Тендер для постачальників послуг щодо платформи з моніторингу соціальних медіа та онлайн-ЗМІ (Проєкт ТСА))


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Тендер для постачальників послуг щодо платформи з моніторингу соціальних медіа та онлайн-ЗМІ (Проєкт ТСА))

Chemonics, the Contracting Entity, acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) in Ukraine, under contract number 72012120C00003 is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to participate in tender for the provision of Media Monitoring Platform (comprehensive social listening and data collection platform for monitoring news websites and social media networks.).

Request for quotations (RFP (FP): RFP No. RFP-TCA-FFP-028

Date of announcement: July 10, 2023

Deadline for submission of proposals: August 10, 2023

Introduction and Scope of work 

TCA partners with the GOU, private sector, and civil society to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy through innovative communications initiatives. As part of project activities, TCA requires a social listening and data collection platform to help monitor news websites and social media networks based on specified search queries. The Subcontractor should setup the platform to meet TCA specific requirements and provide access to the platform for easy management of search queries, data sources, and analytics. The platform must be compatible with various web browsers and devices, support secure user authentication, and role-based access controls.

Please review the full RFP (FP) at the following link:


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