Ukraine Elections 2014. Issues by CivicUa

Civic Space prepared the 4 issue of English speaking specialized digests 'Ukraine-Elections 2014'. On Portal "Civic Space" created a special section of the coverage of the presidential elections in ...


Громадський Простір

Civic Space prepared the 4 issue of English speaking specialized digests ‘Ukraine-Elections 2014′. On Portal “Civic Space” created a special section of the coverage of the presidential elections in 2014.

Issue 5. May-2, 2014/Civic.UA

The 25 May early presidential election in Ukraine was characterised by high turnout and a clear resolve by the authorities to hold what was a genuine election largely in line with international commitments and that respected fundamental freedoms, despite the hostile security environment in two eastern regions of the country, international observers concluded in a preliminary statement released today. While the election administration ran the process impartially and transparently on the whole, some decisions taken may have been beyond its authority.

Issue 4. May-1, 2014/Civic.UA

National Exit Poll-2014.Positions of Ukrainian Presidential Candidates on Principles of Social and Healthcare Policies. Verkhovna Rada has strengthened safeguards for commission members and electoral documentation: DECs will be guarded 24h. Report on the creation of precinct election commissions during snap election of the President of Ukraine on May 25, 2014 etc.

Issue 3. April-2, 2014/Civic.UA

In April, Presidential candidates have intensified their campaigning. In Ukraine, the big problem is that at the time of voting citizens do not have any information on the financing of the presidential campaign. Even partially released data from the post-election candidates’ reports does not provide any prominent information. Therefore, members of the Movement ‘CHESNO’ in partnership with IFES-Ukraine launched a campaign “Honest Candidate”

Ukraine-Elections 2014′. Issue 2.Civic.UA

46 people announced the intention to run for the presidency in Ukraine. 7 of them are registered as candidates for the presidency of Ukraine. 12 were denied in registration. The decision on the other 27 candidates will be made by April 4, according to Department of interacting with media CEC Secretariat.

Issue 1. March, 2014/Civic.UA

On May 25 new presidential elections in Ukraine will be held, according to the Verkhovna Rada resolution “On the withdrawal of the President of Ukraine from the implementation of constitutional powers and calling early presidential elections in Ukraine” Along with the start of the election campaign, civil society, including non-governmental initiatives of Euromaidan launch a massive campaign on monitoring of the presidential elections. Civic Space prepared the 1-st issue of English speaking specialized digests ‘Ukraine-Elections 2014′.

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