Вакансія: Epidemiologist (2102858) – WHO CO in Ukraine


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Вакансія: Epidemiologist (2102858) – WHO CO in Ukraine

WHO Country Office in Ukraine is looking for Epidemiologist  to provide technical expertise and operational support at the country level to the Ministry of Health and partners in timely responses to outbreaks/epidemics and health emergencies through the management the epidemiological and surveillance related activities in compliance with the WHO recommended standards, throughout the full cycle of incident.

Key duties:

1) Provide technical support to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in developing its’ systems to prevent and control SARS-CoV-2 through:

  1. a) Providing technical advice on improving the quality of systems for the surveillance of influenza and other high threat pathogens including SARS-CoV-2 (epidemiological and laboratory surveillance);
  2. b) Support activities related to strengthening seasonal influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programmes
  3. c) Support the continued implementation of guidelines and training programs for outbreak investigation and response and the clinical management of severe respiratory infections;
  4. d) Support development and implementation of national testing, isolation and contact tracing strategy for SARS-CoV-2.

2) Support implementation of the epidemiological wing of the national laboratory policy, strategy and action plans though technical advice, operational support, and coordination efforts within WHO and with partners:

  1. a) Support the coordination of epidemiological activities within the national laboratory centres, including research, facilitation of technical meetings and trainings, and on-the-ground monitoring and support missions;
  2. b) Provide technical input to further developments of the epidemiological systems within laboratory system and adjust the national strategy in response to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic;

3) Provide input to advocacy products related to the described duties: official letters to national counterparts, communication campaigns and platforms, wide-spreading information about availability of WHO trainings and products, public communications directly or through partners on importance of surveillance, case investigation, case tracing and their promotion with and within Ukraine.

4) Perform other duties as required.

For full and detailed vacancy notice please access: https://www.who.int/careers/en/

Closing date for applications: 09 July 2021

Vacancy Notice No: 2102858


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