Старший/а фахівець/чиня з інформаційного менеджменту / Information Management Technical Officer


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The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to flee. We work in crises across more than 31 countries, providing emergencies and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. We stand up for people forced to flee, advocating their rights. NORCAP, our global provider of expertise, helps improve international and local ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from crises. NRC also runs the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre in Geneva, a global leader in reporting on and advocating for people displaced within their country. NRC is an equal opportunities employer that aims to have staffing diversity in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, nationality and physical ability.


  1. Are you capable of turning complex data into captivating visualisations and stories?  
  2. Can you transform raw data into meaningful insights that not only inform and identify trends but also inspires better outcomes for the vulnerable communities we work with? 
  3. Are you a curious analytical thinker, always looking to innovate and optimise workflows for better project implementation?

We’re looking for an Information Management Technical Officer to join the NRC Ukraine Area Office (AO) North, based in Kyiv.

  1. Ви знаєте як перетворити збір даних на захоплюючі візуалізації та історії?  
  2. Ви можете перетворити необроблені дані на змістовні інсайти, які не лише інформують та визначають тенденції, але й надихають на кращі результати для вразливих громад, з якими ми працюємо?
  3. Ви допитливий аналітик, завжди шукаєте інновації та оптимізуєте робочі процеси для кращої реалізації проектів?

Ми шукаємо провідного спеціаліста з інформаційного менеджменту, який приєднається до Північного регіонального офісу NRC в Україні, що базується в Києві.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, hail from business analytics, data science, ICT, engineering, tech companies, academia, or any other sector, your unique journey has a place here. We value your passion, transferable skills, and drive to make a positive difference, even if you’re new to the humanitarian sector! 


NRC is an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. We provide assistance to meet immediate humanitarian needs, prevent further displacement, and support displaced people as they build a new future. Around 15,000 humanitarians work with the NRC. Most of us are hired locally to work in the field, and a small number are based at our head office in Norway, Oslo. Many of our colleagues were once themselves fleeing their homes. In 2022, we reached almost 10 million people across 40 countries.

NRC has been present in Ukraine since 2014. We provide life-saving assistance, such as food and basic relief items, to the most vulnerable. We have assisted hundreds of thousands of displaced people with legal aid and information on access to services, and we offer cash to people to repair damaged homes. Furthermore, we support schools to prevent a lost generation, ensuring that learning continues. The Core Competencies (CC) we work in are Shelter & Water; Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Education; Information Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA); and Protection. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, we have been continuously scaling up our response across the country.


NRC – незалежна гуманітарна організація, що допомагає людям, які були змушені залишити свої домівки. Ми надаємо допомогу для задоволення нагальних гуманітарних потреб, запобігання подальшому переміщенню та підтримки переміщених осіб у побудові нового майбутнього. Близько 15 000 гуманітарних працівників співпрацюють з NRC. Більшість з нас найняті на місцях для роботи в польових умовах, а невелика кількість працює в нашому головному офісі в Норвегії, в Осло. Багато наших колег колись самі були вимушені покинути свої домівки. У 2022 році ми охопили майже 10 мільйонів людей у 40 країнах.

В Україні NRC працює з 2014 року. Ми надаємо життєво необхідну допомогу, таку як їжа та основні предмети першої необхідності, найбільш вразливим верствам населення. Ми допомогли сотням тисяч переміщених осіб, надавши їм правову допомогу та інформацію про доступ до послуг, а також пропонуємо людям грошову допомогу на ремонт пошкоджених будинків. Крім того, ми підтримуємо школи, щоб запобігти втраті покоління, забезпечуючи продовження навчання. Основними сферами, в яких ми працюємо, є житло та забезпечення водою, санітарія та гігієна, освіта, інформаційне консультування та правова допомога, а також захист. З початку ескалації війни у 2022 році ми постійно розширюємо нашу діяльність по всій країні.

Your Team

You’ll be joining the growing Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Team, working closely with an M&E Coordinator, M&E Officer, and CC Technical Assistants who have an IM function. At NRC, it’s a team sport, and your contribution will significantly impact our overall performance. You’ll be part of a diverse and highly motivated team in the AO North Office, with around 70 colleagues who are making difference to the most vulnerable people.  

Ваша команда  

Ви приєднаєтесь до зростаючої команди з моніторингу та оцінки (M&E), тісно співпрацюючи з координатором з M&E, фахівцем з M&E та технічними асистентами з ключових компетенцій, які виконують функції управління інформацією. Робота в NRC –  це командна робота і ваш внесок суттєво вплине на нашу загальну ефективність. Ви станете частиною різноманітної та високомотивованої команди Північного офісу, яка налічує близько 70 колег, що працюють над покращенням життя найбільш вразливих верств населення. 


What You Will Do

Your daily activities will be exciting and varied. From coding questionnaires and visualising data to asking – and answering – questions such as:

  • How can we transform this data into actionable insights for the vulnerable communities we serve?
  • How can I support teams to implement their projects more effectively and efficiently through enhanced information management systems, workflows, and processes?
  • How can we optimize the data collection process to drive evidence-based decision-making and impactful outcomes?

Що ви будете робити

Ваша щоденна робота буде цікавою та різноманітною. Від кодування опитувальників та візуалізації даних до постановки питань і відповідей на них,  на кшталт:

  • Як ми можемо перетворити ці дані на дієві ідеї для вразливих громад, яким ми служимо?  
  • Як я можу допомогти командам ефективніше та результативніше реалізовувати свої проекти за допомогою вдосконалених систем управління інформацією та робочих процесів?  
  • Як ми можемо оптимізувати процес збору даних, щоб сприяти прийняттю рішень на основі фактичних даних та досягненню ефективних результатів?

Specific activities include:

1. Data Management and Visualisation

  • Developing and Maintaining Systems: Ensure efficient, reliable, and up-to-date IM systems, databases, and automation.
  • Supporting End-to-End Data Collection: Coding questionnaires, implement data checks and validation, ensuring compliance with data security and protection protocol, and designing innovative remote data collection solutions.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Design analysis methodology, conduct descriptive analysis, interpret complex data sets, and innovate new products, tailoring outputs for diverse audiences.
  • Visualisation: Bring data to life using static and interactive visualisations and maps, communicating insights with clarity and creativity.

2. Innovation, Collaboration, and Support

  • Analyse and Enhance: Simplify complex workflows, innovate, and recommend solutions to improve organisational processes.
  • Collaboration and Support: Work with various teams, assist in information collection, provide specific technical learning, and training.
  • Innovation and Technology Uptake: Guide the uptake of technologies, pilot evidence-based practices, and review workflows for efficiency.

3. Reporting, Accountability, and Impact

  • Reporting and Accountability: Update achievements, ensure data quality, produce monthly progress reports, and compare achievements against targets.
  • Quality Control and Compliance: Ensure timely backups, proper filing, and adherence to NRC’s data protection policy and procedures.

Your role at NRC isn’t just about ticking boxes. Expect to wear many hats, from coding wizard to collaboration guru, from quality assurance to innovation champion. Your role will ebb and flow with the needs of the team. Some days may lean heavily into one area, while others may require a different focus. Flexibility and adaptability are key, so be prepared to dig in where needed. We value initiative and a can-do attitude!


Technical Competencies You Will Bring

While we deeply value and appreciate the diversity of skills and experiences everyone brings, to excel in this role, the following technical competencies are essential:

  1. Data Analysis: Proficiency in analysing complex datasets to derive meaningful insights.
  2. Excel Mastery: Fluent in using Microsoft Excel for data manipulation, visualisation, and reporting.
  3. Data Visualisation: Ability to create compelling visual stories from raw data using tools like Tableau, Power BI, or similar.
  4. Database Management: Experience in managing and querying databases, with knowledge of SQL or other query languages.
  5. Statistical Proficiency: Familiarity with statistical tools and methods to validate data findings.
  6. Data Collection Tools: Experience with tools such as Kobo Toolbox or other data collection platforms.
    Innovation in IM: Demonstrated ability to implement new data collection or analysis methods to optimise project outcomes.

Behavioural Competencies You Will Bring:

Beyond technical prowess, we believe the essence of our work thrives on the attitudes and behaviours of our team:

  1. Curiosity and Innovation: Passionate about improving data usability and eager to propose ground-breaking ideas. You’re an innovator at heart.
  2. Time Management and Organisation: You prioritise with precision, delivering results within deadlines.
  3. Problem-Solving: Strategically creative, you evaluate solutions, set goals, and adapt to make them a reality.
  4. Flexibility: Embracing changing needs with a can-do spirit, you fluidly adjust to new situations.
  5. Coordination and Communication: A persuasive communicator who aligns actions and brings people together.
  6. Analytical Clarity: A skilled analyst, you understand complex concepts and present solutions transparently.
  7. Willingness to Learn and Self-Starting: Motivated to learn and a proactive self-starter, you act without waiting for instructions.
  8. Team Spirit: A true team player, you contribute positively to collective performance and celebrate success together.
  9. Positive Energy: Our work can be challenging, practically, and emotionally – you strive to be a source – not a drain – of energy for your colleagues.
  10. Self-Reflection and Growth: Focused on growth, you offer and seek honest feedback, embracing imperfections with a learning spirit. 
  11. Solution-Oriented Mindset: You actively create solutions with a forward-looking attitude, energising those around you. 
  12. Productive Ambition: Unafraid of risks, your ambition leads to big aspirations, step-change improvements, and the courage to learn from setbacks.
  13. Commitment to Excellence: You’re committed to transcending conventional boundaries, challenging complacency, and learning from failures.

Our Approach to Compensation

While we strive to be competitive, in the spirit of the humanitarian work we do, and given that most of our funding comes from global institutional donors on behalf of taxpayers, we do not offer salaries at the top end of the market. However, NRC salaries are informed by NGO pay market benchmarking and are subject to a yearly review. 

At NRC, we believe that total compensation also includes work-life balance and positive well-being:

  1. Social Protection: We enrol colleagues in a robust medical insurance program.
  2. Paid Leave: Enjoy 24 days per year, in addition to public holidays, sick pay, and parental leave.
  3. Pensions: Staff are affiliated with a pension scheme in line with local laws and systems.

Life at NRC?

We might not have Silicon Valley perks or a roller coaster in the office, but we offer an opportunity to be part of something meaningful:

  • Positive Impact: Enough said.
  • Culture: Our culture is candid, analytical, non-hierarchical, and agile. We strive to create a workplace where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, feeling valued and respected. We balance the inclusivity of various cultures and experiences with upholding our core values of dedication, innovation, inclusivity, and accountability. We’re still learning, but we support each other and ensure we have fun along the way.
  • Voice: You can have a real say here. Through democratically elected staff representatives, you can raise concerns or issues to the senior management team, who actively advocate for positive change.
  • Learning & Development: We prioritise your ongoing development through training, coaching, and targeted learning programs. Our managers are invested in your success, working with you to excel in your current role and prepare for future challenges.

Hiring Process

Once you submit your application, our team will review your application.  The overall hiring process consists of 3 stages:

1. Candidates Submit Application (CV & Screening Questions)

  • Please note that screening questions, – in lieu of a cover letter – will be used to assess applications.

2. Screening of Candidates (Rolling Basis)

  • Please note that this may include an invitation to participate in a self-directed video interview.

3. Case Study (~2 hours)

  • Finalists will be given a case study that reflects what the job will entail and invited to the NRC Area North Office to present their case studies, learn more about the work we do, and ask us any questions they may have.

We offer:

  • Type of contract: national employment contract until 31.12.2023 (with possible extension)
  • Salary/benefits: According to NRC salary scale, terms, and conditions.
  • Duty station: Kyiv, Ukraine.

This position is for Ukrainian nationals only. Please click here to visit our website and apply.

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