ПРООН в Україні шукає Identification and Access Programme Assistant (UNDSS)


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ПРООН в Україні шукає Identification and Access Programme Assistant (UNDSS)

Agency: Dept of Safety and Security 
Title: Identification and Access Programme Assistant (UNDSS) 
Vacancy End Date: (Midnight New York, USA) 21/12/2020 
Duty Station: Kyiv, Ukraine 
Vacancy Type: Service Contract (SC) 
Contract Duration: 12 months with possible extension


The Identification and Access Programme Assistant shall be responsible for the provision of Pass & ID Unit Services to UN staff and their eligible dependents under the UN Security Management System.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Identification and Access Programme Assistant works in close collaboration with the UNDSS staff as well as other UN Agencies, Funds, Programmes and Organization (AFPO) staff to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery throughout Ukraine.

  • Assists CSA in collecting and updating information and issuing UN Identification and Access Cards in accordance with UN Standard Operating Procedures;
  • Program access privileges to ID cards;
  • Ensure that all UN ID cards producing equipment and software is in good order and runs smoothly;
  • Assists in maintaining the up-to-date personnel and ID and Access card database;
  • Operates the UNDSS SMS advisory notification system;
  • Provides general administrative assistance to the CSA;
  • Undertakes translation duties as required: English/Russian/Ukrainian;
  • Fulfills other security-related tasks assigned by the CSA.

1. Provides effective and efficient support to CSA in collecting and updating information regarding the security of UN AFPO and issues UN ID and Access Cards;

2. Assists in maintaining an up-to-date personnel list and UN ID and Access card database, as well as the UN AFPO warden systems;

3. General administrative assistance to the CSA.

Measurable Outputs of the Work Assignment:

  • All requests from UNAFPOs processed according to SOP, UN ID cards issued properly and in timely manner;
  • All IT equipment is properly maintained and functional all time;
  • ID card Data base is backup and confidential.

Performance Indicators:

  • Effective and efficient support to CSA in collecting and updating information regarding the security of UN AFPO and issues UN ID and Access Cards provided timely and accordingly;
  • Assistance in maintaining an up-to-date personnel list and UN ID and Access card database, as well as the UN AFPO warden systems is provided in timely and quality manner.


Core values:

  • Commitment;
  • Diversity;
  • Integrity;
  • Accountability.

Core competencies:

  • Communication;
  • Collaboration;
  • Client orientation;
  • Teamwork;
  • Planning;
  • Analysis and decision-making;
  • Initiative-taking;
  • Flexibility.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Administration, Information Technology, Management, Social Sciences or relevant field is required.


  • Three (3) years of relevant work experience in information management or related area, preferably administration, coordination, information technology, public relations, security management or related field.
  • Prior experience with the UN system or an international NGO, particularly related to ID and Access card management, is an asset.
  • Solid computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Access and Power Point, etc.);
  • Knowledge of automated systems and experience in handling of web based management systems is an asset.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in verbal and written Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.


All posts in the SC categories are subject to local recruitment.

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.

Application Instruction: If you wish to apply for this or other positions, please visit UNDP website, section jobs and apply only: https://jobs.partneragencies.net/erecruitjobs.html?JobOpeningId=34062&HRS_JO_PST_SEQ=1&hrs_site_id=2


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Незалежний/а консультант/ка для проведення зовнішньої фінальної оцінки проєкту, що був реалізований за підтримки ЄС / Independent consultant to conduct an external final evaluation of the project funded by the EU

Вакансія: Call for expression of interest (Designers)

Закупівля експертних послуг з розробки навчальної програми та проведення шести триденних тренінгів з реінтеграції дітей у біологічні родини для 20-ти громад Волинської області

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій