НДІ. Консультантські послуги для розробки онлайн платформи (експерт/ка з комунікацій)


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НДІ. Консультантські послуги для розробки онлайн платформи (експерт/ка з комунікацій)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Consultancy Services for Online Platform Development

Communications expert

National Democratic Institute

RFP Release Date: July 20, 2021


The National Democratic Institute (NDI or the Institute) has actively supported Ukrainian efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and advance democratic reforms through supporting good governance and citizen engagement, political party strengthening and civil society development, election monitoring and strengthening the political participation of women.

From September 2018 to March 2021, with the support of the United Kingdom’s Good Governance Fund (GGF), NDI implemented the “Ukraine: Amplifying the Voices of Citizens in Policy Making through Public Consultation” program aimed at supporting the Government of Ukraine in making public consultation an integral part of policy and decision-making. In particular, the Institute started to support the Ministry of Digital Transformation (MoDT) and Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers (SCMU) in developing a government platform for citizen engagement online – VzaemoDiia, by conducting various research, both qualitative and quantitative, of user expectations, as well as by analysing international experience in citizen engagement and public consultation online platforms. The online platform, currently being developed by the government, will include online participation sections and tools, including sections on online public consultations, e-petitions, e-appeals and others.

In April 2021, NDI began Phase II of the public consultation program, supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). In this phase, NDI plans to support the development of the public consultation section of VzaemoDiia platform, including development of the concept, technical development, communications support, research and training.


In this context, NDI seeks consultancy services from qualified individuals to provide communications support for the VzaemoDiia platform and its public consultation section. Under NDI’s direction and in close cooperation with MoDT, the selected individual will apply knowledge of and experience in communications to develop and implement communication strategy around Vzaemodiia platform with the focus on its public consultation section.


Submissions are due by August 3, 2021. Early submissions are encouraged. 

The consultancy contract is expected to start in September 2021 for approximately 7 months. 

NDI reserves the right to contact bidders to seek additional information and clarifications based on the submission of proposals following the submission deadline. 


The selected consultant, in close collaboration with NDI and the MoDT, and in communication with other relevant stakeholders would:

  • Develop a communication strategy and a communication plan for Vzaemodiia platform, including the public consultation section that is under development. 
  • Conduct analysis of the target audience and its needs and work with the MoDT to create a message box for communicating about the platform as a whole, as well as about the different sections of the platform.
  • Create a media plan, including mapping the communication channels to be used for the implementation of the communications strategy (including TV, online media and offline communications).
  • Identify communication materials for implementation of the communication strategy and plan (posters, announcements, online materials, etc.)
  • Contribute to a tender for a communications/PR agency that will help to implement the communication strategy and plan for the Vzaemodiia public consultation section. Serve as a focal point for cooperation with the selected communications/PR agency.
  • Conduct periodic evaluation of and reporting on the implementation of the communication strategy and its updating in case of need, periodic reporting.

The anticipated weekly workload is up to 30 hours. 


Due to the nature of this project, interested consultants should have substantial experience with designing and implementing communications strategies, including in the context of government communications. 

Qualified individuals should submit proposals that include the following to NDI by the aforementioned deadline for full consideration: 

  1. CV  that describes the individual’s previous experiences related to this project, including:
    1. At least 5 years of experience in managing and advising on communications. Experience with government communications and e-governance is a strong advantage. 
    2. Strong experience in leading the development of communication strategies and plans.
    3. Demonstrated experience in creating different communication products skills of working with texts, information for creation of the communications strategies and plans (with examples);
    4. Understanding of e-democracy tools;
    5. Experience in coordinating  with diverse stakeholders;
    6. Good analytical, organizational and communications skills; and
    7. Fluency in Ukrainian and good working knowledge of English.  
  2. Reference letters or contact details for at least two referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional background of the candidate.
  3. Hourly rate in USD inclusive of all expenses.
  4. Examples of previous work relevant for the project at hand desirable.

NDI may contact potential vendors for additional clarifications on submitted documents or an interview to discuss an individual’s background and technical experience.

Due to the Covid-19, all work under this RFP will begin remotely until the pandemic situation improves; however, some exceptions may be granted with NDI’s explicit approval as necessary.


Please submit the applications that include the abovementioned in English or Ukrainian via email to [email protected]. The deadline for submitting proposals is  August 3, 2021.

NDI will evaluate bids based on the vendor’s ability to meet the description of services needed, experience and price. NDI reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NDI reserves the right to consider bids for modification at any time before a contract is awarded. NDI should not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation, transmittal, or presentation materials submitted in response to the RFP. NDI makes no certification as to the accuracy of any item and is not responsible or liable for any reliance on or use of the information or for any claims asserted therefrom. Bids are expected to be valid for up to six months from the publication date of the RFP.

Bidders must provide disclosure of any known past, present or future relationships with any parties associated with NDI. The bidder also certifies that the prices offered were arrived at independently and without the purpose of restricting competition with other offerers, and that prices have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed to any other offerer unless required by law. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in NDI having to re-evaluate the selection of a potential bid.


The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. NDI has been supporting local democratization efforts in Ukraine since 1992. 

For more information about NDI, please visit: www.ndi.org.

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