Фахівець/чиня з дослідження санкцій за Актом Магнітського/ GloMag Prosecutor/Researcher


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Global Rights Compliance (GRC) – міжнародна правова фундація, діяльність якої спрямована на притягнення до відповідальності винних у скоєнні злочинів проти людяності. 

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and Kyiv.

GRC in Ukraine works in support of the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG) by deploying several Mobile Justice Teams (MJTs) which assist the OPG in all aspects of the investigation, case building, and prosecution. Our headquarters for this project are in Kyiv, Ukraine. GRC’s MJTs operate throughout Ukraine in areas of interest to the OPG. 

DUTY STATION: The job will be based in Kyiv, Ukraine

CONTRACT DURATION: 6-month contract with a probable extension 


  • Based on OSINT sources, the identified figure will collaborate with lawyers, other NGOs, and the OPG of Ukraine to:
- identify human-rights-violating individuals who might qualify to be sanctioned under the US government’s Global Magnitsky Act
- prepare “perpetrator” candidate dossiers on said individuals
- see those dossiers accurately and efficiently submitted
- collaborate with the GloMag dossier evaluation process to ensure it has the information needed for effective, successful consideration of said candidates
  • Identify and exploit other GloMag-like “soft prosecution” tools to see human-rights-violating individuals face consequences for their actions
  • Collaborate with GRC’s other teams (MJTs, OJT, UJJT, policy advocacy, comms) to advance the cause of atrocity-crimes accountability in Ukraine 



  • Native-level proficiency in Ukrainian
  • English language proficiency
  • Demonstrated OSINT research skills
  • Strong drafting skills
  • Connections in/to/with the Ukrainian Civil Society community
  • Technological competence
  • Ability to work independently in a fast-paced, detail-oriented environment


  • Law degree
  • Knowledge of / connections with sources of data on human-rights-violating individuals
  • Knowledge/experience of/with international criminal and humanitarian law (ICL/IHL)
  • Experience with non-for-profit (NGO) or human rights organizations
  • Case-building and legal-analyst skills


Please submit your CV and cover letter to [email protected] by the 31st of October indicating the position you are applying for in the email subject.


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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