Експерти у сфері медико-соціальних послуг/ Experts on socio-medical services


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Експерти у сфері медико-соціальних послуг/ Experts on socio-medical services

Deloitte is seeking qualified candidates to serve as STTA Experts on socio-medical services in support of the USAID Health Reform Support.

Project Description

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the needs of the Ukrainian people. Advancing health sector reforms, enhancing transparency, and tackling corruption will reduce out-of-pocket payments and improve access and availability of high quality, evidence-based health care services for Ukrainians. Elimination of corruption is a cross-cutting theme across all objectives to be achieved by this activity, which include:

  1. Improve health sector governance.
  2. Support the transformation of the healthcare financing model.
  3. Strengthen the health workforce.
  4. Enhance transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of the health care system.
  5. Improve service delivery system at all levels.


The STTA Experts on socio-medical services will provide short-term technical support for activities related to developing recommendations on socio-medical services development at local level.


  • Study international best practices of the classification of health services
  • Describe approaches to the assessment of health service needs
  • Make a draft list of socio-medical services and describe them in line with the structure agreed with authors
  • Develop guidance on the organization of service delivery (funding sources, resources, regulatory framework, infrastructure, etc.)
  • Participate in the meetings of authors to agree upon the concept of the document, its structure, language, inputs, etc. (if needed)
  • Edit the developed materials based on the comments of authors
  • Prepare presentations by individual sections of the document (if needed)

Expected period of performance and workload:

The expected period of performance for the position will be from September 01, 2019 to December 20, 2019. Up to 30 days.

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs, cover letters, and two professional letters of reference to [email protected] no later than August 27, 2019. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: Expert on socio-medical services “. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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