Запит пропозицій: Соціологічне дослідження в секторі охорони здоров’я


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Запит пропозицій: Соціологічне дослідження в секторі охорони здоров’я

Overseas Strategic Consulting, Ltd. (OSC) is at the core of successful initiatives in the economic, health, governance, and environment sectors around the world. OSC delivers effective, sustainable research, evaluation and strategic/behavior change communications solutions in the world’s most challenging environments. Applying the locally appropriate mix of interpersonal, mass-market, and technology-driven solutions, OSC’s research and communications teams cultivate and sustain the dialogue that supports meaningful change for a diverse array of clients and beneficiaries in the public, private, and NGO spaces. OSC is a partner on the USAID funded Public Health Systems Recovery and Resilience activity in Ukraine. The primary goal of PHS R&R is to strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GoU)’s capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats, sustain critical public health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized groups.

OSC seeks a Vendor to provide a sociological survey in the public health sector. This survey aims to collect data about knowledge attitudes and practices by individuals related to public health. The survey needs to have representative samples in eight targeted regions: Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia and Odesa. Results of the survey will be used for further planning and implementing of relevant PHS R&R activities and donor reporting.

The main objectives are:
• Provide a representative, valid, and comparable survey in March 2023 – June 2023.
• Provide insights via analysis of the survey results in the sphere of public health.

Your proposal should be submitted to [email protected] until 18.00 pm March 19, 2023. Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel).

Please see the attached documents for more information and the full Request for Proposals (RFP)

Full Request for Proposals for the KAP Survey for OSC

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