Запит до постачальників, що зацікавлені співпрацювати з Всесвітньою Продовольчою Програмою


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тендер tender 1 (11)
Запит до постачальників, що зацікавлені співпрацювати з Всесвітньою Продовольчою Програмою

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) – UA23NF145 for the Provision of Call Center Services.

The WFP Ukraine Country office (UACO) seeks a service provider that can ensure timely, safe, appropriate, and quality management of the questions and queries of vulnerable populations calling the call center, including the ability to adjust capacity to meet fluctuating demands.

The objective of the establishment of parallel CFM channels is to provide a comprehensive mechanism for effective and timely two-way communication with affected populations aimed at addressing queries and complaints tied to the assistance programs and services provided by WFP and its cooperating partners, in addition to supporting WFP’s diverse information campaigns in accordance with agreed scripts provided by WFP. The Call Center will be supported by a strong knowledge management system that will facilitate accurate categorization of queries, internal and external referrals, follow-ups and closure of the loop with requesters of information, trend analysis, and programmatic adjustments, according to WFP’s requirements/standard operation procedures. With this objective, the CFM service provider will cater to the programmatic needs of WFP and will ensure that WFP is able to communicate and provide feedback on its different programs to all relevant vulnerable populations and through its Call Center.

The purpose of this EOI:

1. The purpose of this request for EOI is to identify suppliers with verified technical and financial capacity to perform the services. Eligible suppliers will be invited to participate in the bidding process for the proposed tender.
2. After the deadline for submission of responses has passed, WFP will evaluate responses received and will notify eligible participants of the outcome of the evaluation.
3. In order to participate in the pre-qualification exercise, companies are required to provide the following:

The filled in EOI Response Form, which includes:

• Table 1. WFP Requirements
• Table 2. Supplier Information;
• Table 3. Supplier Financial Status;
• Table 4. Supplier Relevant Experience;
• [List any additional required documents, as applicable];
• Signatory by the authorized company representative and company stamp.

Please request the EOI details before 08.11.2023 12-00 by sending message to [email protected] with subject “EOI UA23NF145”. A.

4. All supporting documentation listed above shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions provided and sent by email to [email protected] with subject “EOI UA23NF145.
EOI UA23NF145 Call centre (002)

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