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Постачальник послуг для створення відео контенту

German Sparkassenstiftung шукає сервіс провайдера, який може зробити внесок у впровадження ефективної маркетингової та комунікаційної кампанії для Проекту “Доступ до фінансування та підтримка стійкості ММСП в Україні – Фаза ІІ”, шляхом створення відео контенту, відповідно до Технічного завдання.

Call for Proposals (Reference number: DSIK_Video Production 2024)

Background & Objective

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has commissioned German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) with the implementation of “Access to finance and MSME resilience support in Ukraine II” project. Under this project, DSIK aims to improve access to and use of financial services for micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSME), especially companies agriculture (especially food supply and processing), garment (textile) processing, manufacturing, export-oriented production, to give the population and future generations in Ukraine a perspective of sustainable growth and prosperity (intervention objective). The goal of the project is to support the Business Development Fund Ukraine and its partner financial institutions in the establishment and implementation of MSME grant facility for investment and working capital blended finance instruments. In addition to providing access to finance, the suggested interventions will also enhance entrepreneurial capacities and competences through providing industry specific consultancy services and coaching for MSMEs.

Against this background, German Sparkassenstiftung is looking for a production company that can provide input on implementing an impactful marketing and communication campaign for the project. The selected provider will be expected to deliver the services outlined in the Terms of Reference below:

Terms of Reference

Duration of Services: April – July 2024

Nature of Services:

Support DSIK and BDF in developing and implementing a successful marketing and communication campaign by creating up to 4 videos, each up to 5 minutes in HD quality, featuring up to 10 stories of the selected beneficiaries of the Project. Ensure that these stories effectively communicate key messages of the Project and resonate with the Project’s audience, while also ensuring visibility for donors and partners.

Scope of Work

The service provider is expected to provide:

  1. The service provider is expected to provide:

    1. Build the deep understanding of the Project beneficiaries and goals.
    2. Establish the common understanding with DSIK of the target group and goals for the video products.
    3. Get familiar with the selected by DSIK compelling stories of beneficiaries.
    4. Conduct online interviews with selected beneficiaries and gather additional materials (if needed).
    1. Develop the script and storyboard outlining the visual elements, shot compositions, and sequences for the video.
    2. Film up to 10 selected beneficiaries at their respective locations (including taking photos)
    3. Produce up to 4 videos, each up to 5 minutes in HD quality, based on the 10 filmed stories of beneficiaries, which will be grouped and combined according to defined themes. Each of the 4 videos should be produced for both Ukrainian and English-speaking audiences. Therefore, each video will have two editions, and all incorporated elements should be adjusted accordingly for each language.
    4. Editing and Post-Production:
      • editing the footage to create a cohesive story, adding graphics, music, and effects as needed;
      • incorporating logos, subtitles, testimonials, quotes, or statistics to reinforce key points;
      • optimizing the video for different platforms and devices, considering aspect ratios and video lengths.
    5. Submit draft products to DSIK for review and make any necessary adjustments to improve clarity, pacing, or messaging according to the received feedback.
    6. Ensure proper storage of all raw materials (video and photos) and transfer them to DSIK.
    7. Provide the rights transfer certificate for each final video.

 Outline of Proposal

Qualified participants in this call for proposals shall outline clearly how the above deliverables will be provided to satisfy highest quality standards (staffing and project management aspects, technical aspects, references) and what additional ideas / deliverables are suggested to maximize the expected results, and proof a competitive advantage over other participants.

Proposal Weighting of Evaluation

Weighting of evaluation for Contents and Structure of Technical & Financial Proposal For being considered eligible for the assignment the following two documents have to be submitted:

  1. Provision of a comprehensive and understandable technical proposal including the company`s understanding of the assignment and the company`s track record and references. (30% weight) For a better understanding of the technical proficiency of the participant, particular focus in the proposal evaluation will be put on work samples and references provided.
  2. Overview of project staffing, project team management and quality insurance mechanism. This includes the CVs of the key staff and experts (30% weight).
  3. Provision of a financial proposal (in Ukrainian hryvnas) for providing respective services (40% weight).

Service Provider Minimum Qualification Requirements:

  • At least 3 years proven track record in filming and production
  • Experience in providing services in the fields outlined by current SoW

We invite all interested parties to submit a qualified proposal indicating the reference number (DSIK_Video Production 2024) and including an estimated budget, detailed implementation process description until the 20th of April 2024 to the following email address: [email protected]

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