Конкурс на відбір постачальника з комплексних логістичних послуг


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prostirgrant grant_tender_29.03_
Конкурс на відбір постачальника з комплексних логістичних послуг

Terre des Hommes Italy (TDH IT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting children against all forms of violence or abuse and guaranteeing their right to health, education and life. TDH It, which is part of the TDH International Federation, is currently working in 20 countries worldwide, carrying out humanitarian interventions and development projects in the sectors of education, mother and child health, child protection and rehabilitation, to the benefit of thousands of children, their families, and communities.

TDH Italy announces a tender for the complex logistics services.

Requirements for the Performer:

  • Work experience from 1 year
  • Availability of relevant KVEDs (Classification of types of economic activity) to provide event organization services
  • Recommendations (if available)

List of services:

  • Provision of transport services (booking and ordering of bus, railway, and air tickets and their compensation; reservation of car rental; purchase of fuel coupons (petrol, gas, diesel)
  • Providing accommodation (booking and paying for rooms in hotels)
  • Provision of organization and support of events (provision of rental of premises, rental of equipment and consumables for holding events; provision of food for holding events (for example, lunches, coffee breaks); provision of manager’s services for support of events
  • Comparison of prices and booking conditions, selection of the best offers
  • Other logistics support

List of documents:

  • Tender form – A (https://bit.ly/3Y49YVN)
  • Financial proposal – B (https://bit.ly/3xTgF2l)
  • Detailed proposal per service  (optional, arbitrary form of the document)
  • Copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Extract from the register of taxpayers

Please, send questions and clarifications to [email protected] by July 19, 2024.

Please, send the package of documents in English to [email protected] with the specified subject in the letter: “Tender for complex logistics services “name of your organization” no later than 18:00, July 26, 2024.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Конкурс на надання послуг з проживання, харчування, конференц сервісу

Тендер на закупівлю послуг з ремонту приміщень МТП у м. Свалява

Тендер на закупівлю послуг з ремонту приміщень МТП у с. Любимівка

Тендер на закупівлю непродовольчих товарів для МТП у Дніпропетровській обл.

Запит на послуги з організації регіонального форуму для налагодження діалогу між бізнесом, владою та закладами освіти у Вінниці

Запит на послуги з організації круглого столу для започаткування діалогу між бізнесом та закладами освіти у Вінниці