Фахівці з фасилітації для англомовного онлайн-курсу з медіа-грамотності
Відкрито набір фахівців з фасилітації для масового відкритого англомовного онлайн-курсу з медіа-грамотності. Запрошуються фахівці з англійської мови для фасилітації цього курсу.
English for Media Literacy Massive Open Online Course Announcement for Qualified Facilitators
The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine is supporting a nationwide Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) project on Media Literacy which will be held from January 6 – to June 30, 2018. MOOC Participants will have the opportunity to improve their English skills while learning more about the role mass media plays in modern society.
We are seeking English language professionals to facilitate the five-week MOOC. These English language educators will help to increase the participants’ level of English language proficiency and to develop their media literacy skills and awareness.
The project is based on the English for Media Literacy course, hosted on the Coursera online learning platform. More details are available here. This is a skills development course that combines English language learning and media literacy skills. The course is designed to inform audiences about media literacy and how to be better informed about modern media. The English level of the course is approximately B1 on the European Common Framework of Reference scale.
Thirty English teachers will be selected to represent all regions of Ukraine. On March 2-3, 2018, the selected teachers will be invited to a training in Kyiv, where they will obtain the skills required to facilitate the MOOC. This training will include an introduction to media literacy, exploration of the Coursera website and information on being a facilitator. The training will be conducted by a U.S. Department of State English Language Fellow and a Fulbright Scholar. All training-related expenses will be reimbursed. Following completion of the program, participants will receive a project facilitator certificate.
Selected teachers who pass the training will gain the opportunity to hold a six week series of facilitated meetings in their region which will begin on March 19. Each teacher will hold six two-hour classes. Participant groups will consist of 15 to 20 people. The participants will be selected by the teacher and NGO. Training locations will be identified by the NGO Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives “Svitlo” and can include, Windows on America sites, university classrooms, public libraries and NGO facilities. The facilitators will be expected to provide assistance to help identify venues if needed.
In May, the facilitators will regroup in Kyiv with the English Language Fellow for one day to discuss the project and the challenges and successes they had. This meeting will also include training on how to run a workshop and be a teacher trainer to their peers. By the end of the training sessions the facilitators will be better prepared to facilitate professional development workshops for EFL professionals in their regions. They will be expected to conduct two regional trainings on Media Literacy for other professional English language educators during the spring and summer of 2018.
Compensation for facilitations and the follow-up regional workshops for other English Language educators will be paid in accordance with the average fee of an English language tutor in Ukraine. Stationery and materials, required for the classes and trainings (including coffee breaks during all trainings) will also be provided.
To take part in the competition and become a regional facilitator, fill in the questionnaire available here no later than January 20, 2018.
Results of the competition will be announced no later than on February 1, 2018. The competition will be based on regional representation and the candidate’s professional abilities.
Requirements for teachers: higher specialized education, English language teaching experience and a high level of motivation. The ability to find premises and participants for the classes and in your area will be an advantage.
Should you have any questions related to the project, please contact us at +380 95 372 91 79 or e-mail [email protected].
The Massive Open Online Course for English for Media Literacy project is implemented by the Regional English Language Office (RELO) and the Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the Embassy of the United States in Kyiv, Ukraine. The project is administered in Ukraine by the public organisation “Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives” Svitlo” (www.gosvitlo.org.ua).