Спеціаліст з моніторингу виконання плану вакцинації проти COVID-19 в Україні (консультант)


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Спеціаліст з моніторингу виконання плану вакцинації проти COVID-19 в Україні (консультант)

Monitoring Specialist for COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Implementation in Ukraine (consultancy position)


To support the MOH efforts, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded a five-year contract for Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians (SAFEMed) to Management Sciences for Health (MSH) in September 2017.

SAFEMed applies health system-strengthening best practices to create evidence-based interventions and strengthen Ukraine’s pharmaceutical system in line with the MOH’s health care reform objectives.

SAFEMed has three primary project objectives working in unison towards achieving sustained epidemic control given constrains related to COVID-19:

1) Strengthening governance within the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine;

2) Optimizing the financing of the pharmaceutical sector; and

3) Increasing the availability and appropriate use of medicines in Ukraine.

 Major Responsibilities:

The main task of the Сonsultant is to provide technical support to the MOH of Ukraine in monitoring and evaluation of measures aimed at implementing COVID-19 vaccination plan in Ukraine.

 Functional responsibilities:

1.Technical support of the MOH of Ukraine monitoring the COVID-19 vaccination indicators at regional and national levels.

2.Monitoring the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination campaign deployment using different vaccination platforms (mobile groups, vaccination points, etc.).

3.Technical support to MOH in the analysis of COVID-19 vaccination plans implementation in accord with the Vaccination Roadmap split by identified priority groups.

4.Providing the proposals on improving the coordination of monitoring and evaluation process of COVID-19 vaccination key indicators at regional and national levels.

5.Providing proposals for improving the process of vaccination platforms modality selection (vaccination points and mobile groups) at the level of each region per each vaccine separately, using schedules and quantities of vaccine supplies and indicative coverage figures per 100 thousand population separately per each region.


Report on implementation of COVID-19 vaccinations indicators at regional and national levels.

Report with proposals for improving the process of monitoring and evaluation coordination on  implementation of key indicators on COVID-19 vaccinations at regional and national levels.

 Required Qualifications

  • Higher education (preferably medicine, economic).
  • Good interpersonal skills – demonstrating ability to successfully work with internal and external partners at all levels of responsibility.
  • Strong leadership skills with ability to perform technical work.
  • High level of computer literacy, including knowledge of MS Office.
  • High level of self-organization, ability to work for result.
  • Ability to work under pressure and to prioritize tasks to meet the requested deadlines with heavy workloads and limited time resources.


Monthly reports on deliverables status. Report directly to SAFEMed STA on Supply Chain.

Duties performance location

Kyiv, Ukraine MoH and/or SAFEMed office in Kyiv, Ukraine with no business trips.

Qualified candidates may apply to SAFEMed mailbox at: [email protected].  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The position is open till filled.



Останні публікації цього розділу:

Заступник/ця директора відділу грантів / Deputy Grants Director

Фінансовий/а менеджер/ка (Запоріжжя)

Проєктний/а координатор/ка (Запоріжжя)

Проєктний/а менеджер/ка (Запоріжжя)

Психолог/иня (Тернопіль, Копичинці)

Спеціаліст/ка з закупівель (Тернопіль, Копичинці)