Запит пропозицій Експерт/ка з локальної взаємодії та збору даних у межах проєкту з реагування на гуманітарну кризу / Invitation for Applications: Consultancy Position – Local Engagement and Data Collection Officer within humanitarian emergency response project – 07/UCR/012832


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Запит пропозицій Експерт/ка з локальної взаємодії та збору даних у межах проєкту з реагування на гуманітарну кризу / Invitation for Applications: Consultancy Position – Local Engagement and Data Collection Officer within humanitarian emergency response project – 07/UCR/012832


Invitation letter consultancy Local Engagement & Data Collection officer_012832_Oct 2024

Joint Initiative across Ukraine and Romania for Social Recovery, Inclusion and Cohesion of Ukrainian Communities – Iniziativa congiunta tra Ucraina e Romania per la ripresa sociale, l’inclusione e la coesione delle comunità ucraine 07/UCR/012832

Rome, 10/10/2024

Subject: Invitation for Applications: Consultancy Position – Local Engagement and Data Collection Officer within humanitarian emergency response project – 07/UCR/012832

The International Non-Governmental Organisation Un Ponte Per ETS (UPP) is partnering with Ukrainian NGOs Bukovinian Agency for Initiatives and Development (BAID), Institute for Peace and Common Ground (IPCG), and Romanian NGO Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) to implement an emergency response project, titled “Joint Ukrainian-Romanian Initiative for Social Recovery, Inclusion, and Community Cohesion in Ukraine – 07/UCR/012832” and funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation (AICS).

The project aims to enhance social inclusion and cohesion in Ukrainian communities and support Ukrainian refugees in Romania, contributing to regional stability. Key aspects include establishing dialogue spaces, providing education and mental health services, and strengthening social relations in conflict- affected areas. The initiative will benefit 13,846 individuals, including 4,478 minors and 5,522 women, across several regions in Ukraine (Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zaporizhzhia) and Romania (Cluj-Napoca, Sighisoara, Timisoara Districts).


UPP ETS invites interested candidates to submit an offer and budget for consulting services as detailed in the scope of services specified below:


  1. Requirements

Essential Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, economics, international development, evaluation research, statistics, or a related field;
  • At least 2 years of experience in designing, managing and implementing results-based M&E activities for NGOs;
  • At least 2 years of experience analysing quantitative and qualitative data;
  • Experience in working with humanitarian organization and knowledge of reporting procedures, best practices, guidelines and tools for monitoring and evaluation, including impact evaluation;
  • Relevant computer software skills with proficiency in Excel, KoBo and other data management systems;
  • Excellent oral and written English;
  • Excellent oral and written Ukrainian;
  • Be registered as a private entrepreneur;
  • Have a bank account for Euros as a private entrepreneur.

Desirable Requirements

  • Knowledge of donors’ monitoring standards (ECHO, UN, AICS ).
  • Experience in MEAL for health and/or protection mainstreaming.


2.      Subject of the consultancy

Within the framework of the project Joint Initiative across Ukraine and Romania for Social Recovery, Inclusion and Cohesion of Ukrainian Communities – 07/UCR/012832, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), a tender is requested for professional services to carry out the following activities:


  • In collaboration with the Project Manager, Project Officer and Focal Point UPP MEAL, prepare outcome frameworks, performance monitoring and evaluation plans, including:
  • Data collection methodologies and associated measurement tools for internal and external M&E activities (upon request).
  • Timelines (deadlines and frequencies).
  • Analysis and reporting protocols – Products and expected results.
  • With the support of the Project Manager and Focal Point UPP MEAL, design internal M&E follow- up tools.


  • Update the project database on a daily basis;
  • Monitor data and follow up weekly with staff on database reporting. Coordinate collection and consolidation of monitoring data by field staff.
  • Use the monitoring tools provided assessment, evaluation and data analysis.
  • Develop appropriate database and conduct data cleaning and analysis for M&E surveys.
  • With the support of the Project Manager, design quantitative and qualitative data collection Oversee data collection performed by enumerators or any other related results produced.
  • Review data collected during monitoring or evaluation activities, ensuring accuracy of information.
  • Support the production of reports, analyses, maps, and present conclusions and recommendations for the project.



  • Responsible for collecting feedback from:
    • feedback and complaint boxes at all project implementation sites;
    • feedback and complaints hotline;
    • feedback and complaint emails;
  • Compiling the record of complaints, recording them in the database, classifying them, and working with the field team to provide responses under the supervision and approval of the project manager.
  • Based on field observation, report to line manager any potential negative impact in terms of protection/no harm/acceptance related to operations.


  • Build staff capacity in monitoring and reporting (M&R), data collection, analysis, interpretation, and use of data for decision making.
  • At the request of the Project Manager and Project Officer, coordinate with the administrator/logistician and prepare documents related to enumerators (payments, contracts, receivables, enumerators…).
  • In case the consultant has translation skills, they may assist in translating surveys, monitoring tools, evaluations, etc.
  • Actively propose changes and/or new activities to improve the quality of operations or approaches, in consultation with technical coordinators.
  • Complete and communicate human resource documents (timesheet, vacation request, etc).
  • Attend meetings requested by the project manager.


3.      Project Duration

The project is scheduled to last from February 7th, 2024, to May 7th, 2025.

4.      Office location

Kyiv, Ukraine.

5.      Work modality

Hybrid (work from home + In-office).


Please ensure that the budget proposal includes the following items:

  • Detailed breakdown of costs by output. The gross costs must be all-inclusive, covering any charges, social security and tax contributions, bank credit charges, health insurance costs, and expenses related to monitoring visits in Ukraine (transportation, board, accommodation) within the oblasts of activity implementation (estimated frequency 2 field visits per month round-trip Kyiv/oblasts of intervention).


Estimated cost in EUR

6 Monthly reports (November 2024 – April 2025) including information on progress in terms of: i) status of project activities; ii) results achieved; iii) design of M&E plans and tools; iv) feedback, complaints  and  response  mechanism  (FCRM) reports; v) staff capacity building activities; vi) English/Ukrainian and vice versa translations; and vii) internal and external coordination activities within and outside the consortium (delivery by the first half of the following month, delivery of the last report no later than 30/04/2025).


Data collection and analysis for one interim project report on template provided by the Contracting Entity, including baseline surveys (delivery by 30/11/2024).


Data collection and analysis for one final project report on template provided by the Contracting Entity, including endline surveys (delivery by 30/04/2025).


Total cost

  • Any other relevant financial considerations

Please submit your budget proposal along with your updated CV and two reference contacts to the email address [email protected] by October 31st, 2024.

If  you need further information or clarification, please contact this email address: [email protected].

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