Запит на пропозиції: Ukraine Security Plan (консультант/ка)


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Запит на пропозиції: Ukraine Security Plan (консультант/ка)

Published By:  Credit for Agriculture Producers (CAP) Project (Ukraine)

Deadline to Submit Questions:

Submit Questions to: [email protected]

Deadline to Submit Proposals:

Submit Proposals to: [email protected]

Duration:Anticipated, up to 15 of days

Location: Ukraine


World Council of Credit Unions (World Council) is seeking proposals for the development of a security plan for a project based in Ukraine.

1.     Background

The Credit for Agriculture Producers (CAP) Project, implemented by World Council of Credit Unions (World Council) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), seeks to revitalize the credit union sector in Ukraine by creating a more transparent legal and regulatory framework for credit union operations in Ukraine to both promote growth and reduce risks, while improving access to finance for agricultural and rural micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through credit unions.

2.     Scope of Work

The CAP project works out of an office in Kyiv and seeks to update and improve its current project security plans and procedures. The consultant will be tasked to: 

  • Create project security plan including an evacuation plan, including outlines of specific procedures and protocols based on required program activities and within project resources (adjusted per oblast where activities occur). The plan should include:
    • Overall project security assessment, outlining any identified risk and recommended mitigative measures.
    • Develop triggers to escalate security and/or evacuation processes and procedures.
    • Support to staff during travel to oblasts of project implementation.
    • Additional security measures for the office.
    • Evacuation of office, to home, and/or safe haven for up to 13 staff members.
    • Evacuation plan for expatriate staff.

3.     Deliverables

  • Project security assessment.
  • Project security plan, including event triggers, and office and travel worksite evacuation plans.
  • Country evacuation plan for expatriate staff. 

4.     Period of Performance

January – February 2022


  • Extensive experience creating security plans for large international donor-funded programs, which activities include staff travel between Kyiv and eastern Ukraine.
  • Knowledge and experience creating travel and evacuation plans from Ukraine for non-Ukrainian citizens.
  • Must be based in Ukraine.


Qualified candidates must submit the following information. Only complete proposal applications will be considered:

a)    Cover Page (not included in page limit)

b)    Relevant experience and work (1 Page Maximum)

c)     Planned approach to the task

d)    Any components you consider integral to creating an effective security assessment and plan

e)    Schedule/timeline of services

f)      Cost proposal (Excel Format Only, No Page Limit)

g)    Contact information for 2-3 references

Application materials should be submitted via email with the subject line “Ukraine Security Plan” to [email protected]. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]. The Consultant must comply with World Council and donor rules and regulations. 

Applicants confirm that proposals are valid through January 28, 2022.


This bid solicitation in no way obligates World Council of Credit Unions to award a contract, nor does it commit World Council of Credit Unions to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the bid. World Council of Credit Unions reserves the right to vary any part of this bid solicitation at the time of award if it becomes necessary.


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