Вакансія: Call for Applications of Experts on Public Administration Reform


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Вакансія: Call for Applications of Experts on Public Administration Reform

The project EU4PAR in Ukraine, financed by the European Union, is launching a Call for Application of candidates to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to become project experts on public administration reform (PAR).

The aim of this Call is to invite interested candidates possessing adequate experience and knowledge in the areas of PAR in Ukraine, in the region or internationally. The selected candidates will support implementation of the Project in Ukraine and have an opportunity to work on PAR with the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Agency for Civil Service and other institutions of Ukraine’s public administration.

The project is a four-year activity that aims to support building of an accountable, effective and efficient public administration in Ukraine, through assisting the Government of Ukraine in the implementation of Ukraine’s 2016-2020 Strategy of Public Administration Reform (http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/ru/474-2016-%D1%80#n9 ) and its Implementation Plan, as well as other connected policy documents and their implementation plans in line with the OECD/SIGMA principles of public administration (http://www.sigmaweb.org/publications/principles-public-administration.htm ).

Five main PAR Components covered throughout the Project are:

  • PAR management, coordination, monitoring and reporting, communication;
    - Coordination, monitoring and reporting of PAR;
    - Capacity building of institutions in charge of leading the PAR;
    - PAR related donor coordination and resourcing.
  • Assistance to development of government strategic planning, policy development and coordination:
    - Strengthening of institutions in charge of country’s policy making system;
    - Improve procedures for planning, policy making and legislative process;
    - Improving the system of monitoring Government performance;
    - Developing effective information exchange between state institutions;
  • Public service and Human Resources Management (HRM) in Ukrainian civil service:
    • Legal and regulatory framework for civil service;
    • Human Resource Management in Public and Private Sectors;
    • Professional Training for Civil Servants;
    • Remuneration system for public officials;
    • Professional classification of jobs in public administration bodies.
  • Improving organization of Government and its ministries:
    • Rationalizing structure of public administration;
    • Improving accountability of institutions and senior managers;
    • Improving business processes;
    • Rationalizing and making efficiency savings;
  • Support to administrative service delivery and improvement of administrative procedures, reduction of administrative burden, e-government:
    • Developing a modern and consistent policy framework and legislation for administrative service delivery including through e-tools;
    • Enhancing administrative service delivery;

 Required qualifications

 We encourage you to apply for this Call if you:

  • Have a Master’s degree in a field related to the Project (law, public administration, management, economy, etc.) or equivalent professional experience;
  • Are familiar with the areas mentioned above, including knowledge of the OECD/SIGMA Principles of Public Administration;
  • Are fluent in English and Ukrainian;
  • Have at least 5 years of professional experience in one or more areas related to the project components mentioned above;
  • Can demonstrate practical past local expertise and/or knowledge of the Ukrainian public administration.

How to apply

Applications must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by 17:00 Kyiv time on 23rd of April, 2018 to the following address: [email protected] indicating in the subject line the one area of interest (from the above list of 5 Components and their sub-components) to which you are applying for.

All applications must include:

  • CV in English (in the Europass format: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu;
  • Applicant’s brief letter of interest indicating the preferred project Component (one from 5 above) and short (one paragraph) presentation of motivation.

Only applications received before or on the closing date will be eligible for consideration. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Ментор/ка підліткових курсів з 3D-моделювання та робототехніки (Кропивницький)

Регіональний/а координатор/ка у Сумській, Запорізькій та Миколаївській областях

Адміністративний/а асистент/ка


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