Старший/а експерт/експертка (управління та фінанси) з дошкільної освіти до Команди підтримки відновлення та реформ Міністерства освіти і науки України


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Старший/а експерт/експертка (управління та фінанси) з дошкільної освіти до Команди підтримки відновлення та реформ Міністерства освіти і науки України

The Recovery and Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MoES) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis by donors to provide targeted technical support and assist the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST assists in filling capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programmes while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry’s priorities and relevant donor support.

The RST is currently helping the MoES to implement priority education reforms in the following areas: Early Childhood and Preschool Education, general secondary education reform – the New Ukrainian School (NUS), Vocational Education and Training (VET), as well as Public Administration Reform (PAR) and Digital Transformation of Education.

The Recovery and Reform Support Team is in search for the Senior Expert (Management and Financing) on Early Childhood and Preschool Education. 

The expert is expected to provide assistance in the following areas:

  • Ensuring the consistency and efficiency of the system of management and financing of early childhood and preschool education at the regional and state levels;
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the system of monitoring and evaluation of the quality of early childhood and preschool education in order to improve the quality of education and education policy;
  • Contributing to ensuring equal access to quality early childhood and preschool education for all children aged 1 to 5(6);
  • Building synergies with other projects and ensuring coordination with relevant stakeholders and alignment with broader Ministry, EU integration and recovery objectives;
  • Overseeing implementation and management of strategic policies related to early childhood and preschool education;
  • Participating in working group meetings, consultation meetings, conferences, roundtables, seminars, and training sessions.


Submissions must be prepared in English only and be delivered electronically by 11.06.2024, 23:59 (Kyiv time) to the following address: [email protected] 

All submissions must include a completed Application Form, NDA Form, the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, contact details for three further referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate. 

Only applications which are submitted using the correct template will be considered.


Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) is a comprehensive technical assistance programme deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine. URA is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi- Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD. Contributors to the MDA are Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, the largest donor.


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Environmental Compliance Specialist/Спеціаліст_ка з екологічної відповідності (Еколог)

Records Management Specialist/ Фахівець (фахівчиня) з управління документообігом

Communications Specialist/Спеціаліст_ка з комунікацій

Регіональний/а координатор/ка

Driver / Водій/ка

Вакансія: Senior Nurse - Primary Health Care