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Спеціаліст/ка з питань розвитку та комунікацій (цифрові продукти)

Solicitations open to: Ukrainian Nationals (Residency/Ukrainian Work Permit)

 Solicitation No.: 720-121-24-R-10010

 Position Title: Development Outreach and Communications Specialist (Digital Production)

 Issuance date: August 09, 2024

 Closing date and time: August 23, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Kyiv Time

 Work hours: 40 hours (Full time)

 Position Grade: FSN-11

 Market Value: Basic Annual Rate (in U.S. Dollars): $43,147 – $56,088

 Place of Performance: Kyiv, Ukraine

 Period of Performance: Five-Year Period of Performance with possibility extension

 Security Level Required: Facility Access



The Development Outreach and Communications (DOC) Specialist is located in the USAID/Ukraine Program Office (PRO), DOC Unit, Digital Outreach team and reports directly to

the Senior DOC Advisor and/or the Program Office Director’s designee. The primary purpose of this position is to serve as chief advisor to the Mission on raising awareness of USAID activities and goals through digital outreach. The person in this role identifies digital trends and emerging policy-relevant issues and advises Mission leadership on strategies for promoting accurate, balanced outreach on U.S. development activities and foreign policy priorities.

The position is located within the DOC team and reports directly to the Senior Communications

Advisor, and indirectly to the Program Office (PRO) Director and the Mission Director. The DOC Specialist engages directly and regularly with the Public Affairs Section (PAS) and other Embassy Kyiv sections and agencies.



 Education: A Minimum of bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, international

relations or development, marketing, design, linguistics, or related field is required.

 Prior Work Experience: A minimum of five years of progressively responsible

professional-level experience in mass communications, public relations, marketing, journalism,

linguistics, international relations, or public affairs work is required. At least two years of this

experience must have been in government, NGO, journalism, or development-related work, or

related fields, for donor agencies, host-government organizations, or private-sector institutions

which included communications and outreach strategies to communicate results of

program/project/activity design is required.

 Language Proficiency: Fluent (Level 4) Ukrainian with excellent written and oral English

communication skills (Level 4) are required.


For further details and instructions on how to apply, please see the full version of this

Announcement at: https://www.usaid.gov/usaidukraine-solicitation-development-outreach-and-communications-specialist-digital-production-fsn-11

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