SMM and Content Consultant (Київ)


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вакансія vacancy робота(4)
SMM and Content Consultant (Київ)

Learn to Discern in Education (L2D-Ed) project, with the support of the British Embassy in Kyiv, invites you to submit a proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the SMM and Content Consultant to oversee cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and IREX to support efforts to raise awareness of the importance of critical thinking and media literacy and provide various opportunities for Ukrainians countrywide to develop and practice critical information engagement skills.

SMM and Content Consultant will provide services to The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy – the primary recipient of the provided services; whereas IREX acts as the agency that orders and co-controls delivery of services and payments. S/he will collaborate closely with other members of the Ministry’s project team and advise on planning, implementation, and evaluation of media campaigns, contribute to maintenance of web-platforms and social medial accounts, maintaining accuracy and completeness.

Learn to Discern aims to spread media literacy, conscious engagement with information, and development of critical thinking through Ukrainian society conducting educational activities on media literacy among educators, journalists, thought leaders, and youth.

The SMM and Content Consultant’s tasks and expected deliverables include, but are not limited to:

  • Advise on designing and managing of project social media accounts.
  • Consult on creation of the social media content plan.
  • Collaborate in developing of visual and copywriting materials for social media.
  • Coordinate launching social media campaigns, evaluate effectiveness and provide recommendations on improvement.
  • Contribute to the process of website administration.
  • Provide additional consultations which are related to the maintenance of social media accounts and websites as requested.

The SMM and Content Consultant’s experience and qualification requirements:

  • University degree, preferably in Journalism, Philosophy, Law or other Social Sciences.
  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in the field of media, PR, communications.
  • Proven experience in launching social media information campaigns.
  • Expertise in gathering, organizing, editing and disseminating information; ability to work and analyse statistics data.
  • Solid knowledge of Google Analytics.
  • Familiarity with web-design, and creativity in the presentation of information through use of graphical, pictorial or other appropriate means of communication.
  • Excellent copywriting skills.
  • Experience in creating graphic materials and working with video scripts.
  • Written and spoken fluency in Ukrainian language.

Preparation of Proposals

In preparing the Proposal, the Applicant is expected to examine the RFP in detail (it may be downloaded here).

Please submit all the proposal components above by email to [email protected] no later than 25 July 2021 at 6:00 PM.  

Applicants may submit questions concerning this RFP via email to [email protected] before the deadline by 6:00 PM on July 25, 2021.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Незалежний/а консультант/ка для проведення зовнішньої фінальної оцінки проєкту, що був реалізований за підтримки ЄС / Independent consultant to conduct an external final evaluation of the project funded by the EU

Вакансія: Call for expression of interest (Designers)

Закупівля експертних послуг з розробки навчальної програми та проведення шести триденних тренінгів з реінтеграції дітей у біологічні родини для 20-ти громад Волинської області

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій