Проєктний менеджер – Управління ООН з обслуговування проєктів


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Проєктний менеджер – Управління ООН з обслуговування проєктів

Background Information – Job-specific 

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) helps the United Nations (UN) and its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian, and development solutions. UNOPS services cover infrastructure, project management, procurement, financial management and human resources. 

UNOPS in Ukraine provides a broad spectrum of services to the Government and the people of Ukraine with a portfolio of projects in the areas of rule of law, environment, energy efficiency, crisis recovery, good governance, human resources management, procurement, and logistics. 

Support for Rule of Law Reforms in Ukraine (PRAVO POLICE) Project

The European Union funded ‘Support for Rule of Law Reforms in the Areas of Police, Public Prosecution and Good Governance Project’ (known as PRAVO POLICE) has the overall objective of supporting Rule of Law in Ukraine through strengthening the systems in place to support policing, prosecution and civilian governance in Ukraine and to align its functioning with the best European and International practices. 

This PRAVO POLICE Project supports the creation of an efficient law-enforcement system respectful of human rights in support of the people of Ukraine, through the provision of necessary support to the National Police and other Ukrainian authorities in charge of civilian law-enforcement. On substance matters, the project relies on the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) to Ukraine which is a Rule of Law and Police Mission, based in Kiev and with presences in Kharkiv and Lviv. 

The PRAVO POLICE Project further provides support to law enforcement agencies (LEAs) capacity to upgrade their Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) supported processes and infrastructure, as well as ICT management capacity through the provision of ICT assessments, procurement of ICT equipment, and a range of other ICT solutions. This in turn will contribute to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of LEAs’ services, while improving their accountability, transparency, and respect of human rights. 

The Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the packages assigned by the Programme Manager and provides services to the different donors, partners and beneficiaries. He/she is expected to meet and exceed the organisations performance and delivery goals. 

The Project Manager reports directly to the Deputy Programme Manager who provides broad supervision and guidance. The Project Manager is responsible to read the Description of Actions (DoA), Legal Agreement and have a thorough understanding of the terms, conditions, and the respective roles and responsibilities of the partners/stakeholders to ensure the project products are capable of meeting the business cases for both UNOPS and the client. Success of the project and hence Project Manager will be based on the Success Criteria of UNOPS engagements which are linked to the below responsibilities. A Project Manager is responsible for all aspects of the project life cycle

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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