Професійний психолог у GIZ (U-LEAD з Європою)


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Maksim Meshkovoy

Професійний психолог у GIZ (U-LEAD з Європою)

GIZ (U-LEAD з Європою) запрошує відгукнутись професійних психологів (психологинь), зацікавлених у короткотерміновому контракті. Далі – англ. мовою.

GIZ ( for project U-LEAD with Europe) is looking for engagement of a qualified psychologist to provide capacity development measures and coach staff to facilitate transition to effective remote working and remote management modus.

The measures are to be conducted in form of online webinars for groups and individual employees.

Interested professionals who are available for a contract for up to 35 days starting 01 April to 30 June 2021 are invited to express their interest by forwarding to GIZ (U-LEAD with Europe) their CVs and portfolio of capacity development activities relevant to the topic of this call to:

[email protected] not later 22.02.21

Professionals able to demonstrate sufficient qualification and a portfolio of relevant examples shall be further invited to participate in the procurement procedures.

Thank you,

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

20 Velyka Zhytomyrska St. (3d floor)

01001 Kyiv


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