Пошук волонтера до Риги на один рік


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Riga, Latvia
Пошук волонтера до Риги на один рік

Друзі! Донецький молодіжний дебатний центр розшукує волонтера до Риги на один рік! Початок проекту 1 березня! Переваги поїздки саме до Риги, що Вам не потрібно знати англійську досконало, бо в Ризі всі, уявляєте всі розуміють та більшість говорить російською! Шукаємо людину, що має бажання працювати з молоддю, має гарні комунікативні навички, відкритий до нових знайомств, нових знань, просто супер, якщо вміє співати, танцювати та грати на музичних інструментах. Тож буде весело!))

Хто має зацікавленість надсилайте своє резюме на мотиваціний лист англійською або російською на адресу [email protected].

Інформація про проект англійською


Organization: YOUNG FOLKS LV



Young Folks LV is the youth organization with the main branch based in Riga, Latvia. The organization was established in 2012. Young Folks LV started as an informal youth group, but since July 2014, Young Folks has become an official NGO.

The target audience of the organization is young people aged between 13 and 23 years. The organization has 20 leaders and 180 participants from 12 to 23 years old, as well as children from 2 to 12 years old, parents and friends; the total number of participants of the youth organization exceeds 1000 persons. Nowadays, Young Folks has their branches not only in Riga, but also in such cities as Jelgava, Liepaja and Daugavpils.

The mission of the organization is to assist the youth in finding their way in life in order to be happy. Leaders from various groups (photographers, artists, volunteers, dancers, actors, journalists, chefs, designers, teachers, project group etc.) form the structure of Young Folks.

The main methods used in the work with the youth are as follows:

Children teaching children;

Travelling around the world;

Lifelong learning;

Connecting generations;

Carrying out projects;

Organizing events;

Gaining real life experience.


EVS: Ambassadors of the world

Project description


In order to promote active participation in the social life of the country and enhance the organization’s activities, youth organization Young Folks LV would like to host three EVS volunteers who would bring new perspective and experience to Young Folks local activities.

The EVS project called ‘EVS: Ambassadors of the World’ will start 2 February 2018 and finish 30 January 2019 (12 months) in Riga, capital of Latvia. The receiving organization Young Folks will hosts three volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years old from Spain, Georgian and Ukraine. The volunteers will work together, sharing the tasks.

The role of EVS volunteers

The EVS volunteers will explore the organization Young Folks, its methodologies, scope of work and find their place in the organization to assist it’s work by proposing activities and organizing events for children, youngsters and their parents. The volunteers will take part in daily activities of the organization.

- Firstly, the volunteers will join the Young Folks School team, which is responsible for organizing weekly classes, workshops for children and youngsters;

- Secondly, the volunteers will help to organize and hold activities, such as games, sports, excursions of discovering Latvia, during the school holidays (spring, summer, autumn and winter holidays);

- Thirdly, the volunteers will be given a big responsibility to coordinate group of local volunteers, who come to prepare and organize a yearly event ‘Young Folks Festival’. The volunteers will work closely with different group leaders in order to prepare a good programme of the festival;

- In addition, the volunteers will propose their own workshops aimed to raise awareness of volunteer’s country and its culture.



Participant’s profile

The participant can be a person aged between 18 and 30 years. The participant should be an active person, who is interested in youth work, who, in addition, has a wish to integrate in our structure of work. We expect good communication skills and ability to work in team. The literacy in English or Russian would be considered as an advantage, as it is required for the work with youth in Young Folks. Young Folks has diverse groups of volunteers, journalists, musicians, actors, etc. with who volunteers will work closely. During the EVS the volunteers will work both in groups and individually.

While selecting the participants we are also trying to keep the gender balance.



The volunteers will share the apartment specially rented for them in Riga city center, near to Young Folks office. Each volunteer will have his/her own room, but they will have common kitchen and bathroom. The flat will be safe, clean and fully equipped. The apartment will be located in the city center with good connections to shops and transport.



The money envisaged for food and pocket money will be provided monthly and transferred into a bank account, which will be opened for each volunteer by the receiving organization.


Working time and days off

The volunteers will work around 35 hours per week. In case of the big workload, for instance, during school holidays, when many activities are organized and proposed for children and young people, the volunteers might work up to 38 hours. In this case, the number of working hours will be reduced the following week for the according amount of hours.

Saturdays and Sundays will be free days for volunteers. During the school holidays, the organization holds many events and proposes activities for children and youngsters, sometimes, the volunteers might be asked to participate in these activities to support the organization. In this case, the volunteers will have two days off the following week. Normally, the days off are devoted to discover the country and culture, participate in local cultural events.


The volunteers will have 2 days off per month, which they can collect and use a week of holidays, for example, when they want. The mentor will arrange the schedule of holidays, it means that volunteers should inform in advance when they are willing to use the holiday, as well as provide additional information, for example, if they want to travel in Latvia or going abroad.




Young Folks website: http://youngfolks.lv/

Young Folks Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/YoungFolksLv/

Instagram: @youngfolkslvofficial

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