Переклад з англійської на українську навчально-методичних матеріалів (під керівництвом ЮНІСЕФ)


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Programme Officer

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Переклад з англійської на українську навчально-методичних матеріалів (під керівництвом ЮНІСЕФ)

Translation from English to Ukrainian of Violence Prevention Training Materials до Child Protection Area of Responsibility (UNICEF-led)

The Child Protection Area of Responsibility within the Global Protection Cluster is the global level forum for coordination and collaboration on Child Protection in humanitarian settings. The group brings together NGOs, UN agencies, academics, donors and other partners under the shared aim of facilitating a more predictable, accountable and effective Child Protection response in complex emergencies, disasters and other humanitarian crises.

The global CP AoR is providing a 4-day training on the topic of violence prevention. The training materials are in English and need to get translated into Ukrainian. The materials consist of different powerpoints, case studies, and other documents for activities. The materials focus on the INSPIRE framework and the primary prevention framework of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. If you are familiar with the frameworks it would be an additional value.

Task description:

Provide professional quality translations.

The translations must be professional, well written, well edited, and accurately reflect the English original texts.

Agreements on daily and weekly work will be agreed upon per volunteer and assignment.

The documents will be shared via email once volunteers are selected.

It is 7 pages on word – not all of them are fully covered with text. In addition, 115 powerpoint slides.

Some of them have a bit more text, others just a sentence.

Requirements for candidates:

  • The right candidate must have the following experience
  • Be familiar with Humanitarian Response
  • Be familiar with Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
  • Be fluent in English and Ukrainian.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Have access to Microsoft PowerPoint and Word

To apply for this volunteering opportunity, please first register on the UN Volunteers platform https://app.unv.org/ and send an application using this link: https://app.unv.org/opportunities/1762017105290496

The final date to apply is July 26 inclusive.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Ментор/ка підліткових курсів з 3D-моделювання та робототехніки (Кропивницький)

Регіональний/а координатор/ка у Сумській, Запорізькій та Миколаївській областях

Адміністративний/а асистент/ка


Експерт/ка з розробки комунікаційної стратегії

Офіс менеджер/ка