Молодший консультант з підтримки ланцюгів постачання лікарських засобів


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Молодший консультант з підтримки ланцюгів постачання лікарських засобів

The USAID SAFEMed Activity is looking for a Junior Consultant to support its Supply Chain Workstream.

Scope of Work for Junior Consultant (One person)

Young Professionals “Jumpstart” Initiative: May 25, 2021 – May 24, 2022

Supply Chain Support

 SAFEMed activity aims to improve the transparency and cost-efficiency of pharmaceutical public procurement to foster increased access to safe, affordable, and quality medicines for Ukrainians. In pursuit of this goal through close collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH), National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU), Central Procurement Agency (CPA), Center of Public Health (CPH), and State Expert Center (SEC).

Supply Chain workstream focuses its efforts on the overall improvement of the HIV and TB access for Ukrainians. Key activities of Supply Chain workstream are: expand “last mile” logistics public-private partnership pilot across all Ukrainian regions to improve HIV, TB and viral hepatitis supply chain with the engagement of the private logistic operators; technical assistance to MoH and CPH in developing of effective quantification and forecasting tool; strengthening the regional capacity and providing necessary support in mitigating the existing gaps of regional distribution centers; advocating the distribution of ARVs and PrEP through private and public pharmacies; Support National Headquarters on COVID-19 response, etc.

Scope of Work:

  • Provide general support in “last mile” pilot activities, technical assistance, ensuring appropriate documents flow.
  • Support coordination and cooperation with regional health care facilities.
  • Support activities in the project annual implementation plan within the Supply Chain work stream.
  • Assist Supply Chain team in administration, translation, accounting-related activities, organizing different events.
  • Development of official correspondence, reports, technical briefs.
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Regular update on supplies in regions in frame of “Last mile” pilot.
  • Ensuring support of regional health care facilities in office supplies in accordance with agreed schedule and development of corresponsive document flow.
  • Provide technical support for the development and implementation of forecasting tool.
  • Assist Senior Technical Advisor in support on COVID-19 response.
  • Participate in working groups, staff meetings, and external meetings to support SAFEMed activities.

 Qualification requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree (a graduate or young professional)
  • A good command of English and Ukrainian languages (oral and written);
  • MS Office (MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel);
  • Proactive working style;
  • Adaptability and flexibility;
  • Critical thinking;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Collaborative approach and team spirit;
  • Perseverance;
  • Productivity and accountability;
  • Ability to analyze, process and synthesize a big amount of information and data;
  • Fast learner and open mindset;
  • Innovative;
  • Stress resilient.

 Interested candidates may apply directly to [email protected]. The university last year students/graduates/postgraduates are invited. The position is open till filled.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Старший експерт / Старша експертка з просторового планування та стратегічного розвитку на місцевому рівні

Соціальний(на) працівник(ця) м. Львів

Консультант(ка) з регіональної координації ЛГБТІК+ в м. Львів

Адміністратор(ка) прихистку у м. Львів

Фахівець/фахівчиня з моніторингу та оцінки даних / Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning Officer

Фасилітаторка/фасилітатор для стратегічної сесії Fight For Right