«Kreisjugendring Alb-Donau e.V.» терміново шукає волонтера



«Kreisjugendring Alb-Donau e.V.» терміново шукає волонтера

Організація-партнер з Німеччини «Kreisjugendring Alb-Donau e.V.» терміново шукає волонтера на проект, який розпочнеться з осені цього року. Існує одна лише важлива вимога: волонтер має володіти німецькою мовою на рівні B1.

Якщо це цікаво, то надсилайте резюме та мотиваційного листа на адресу [email protected].

Більше інформації про організацію

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Travel and Accommodation

The trip to Germany is organized generally by the volunteers, or the sending organization. The reimbursement of costs is made in arrears by the Kreisjugendring.

The arrival date will be matched by email contact.

Normally the journey is by air, either to Stuttgart, Munich, Memmingen or Friedrichshafen. From there then by the train to Ulm – change there and take the regional train to Ehingen.

Accommodation is in a 1-bedroom apartment, which is located about 6 km away from Ehingen and is equipped with kitchen and bathroom. An Internet connection is available in this apartment. Furthermore, any family connection is possible. To Ehingen (place of work) there is a good bus connection.

Candidate Profile

The age of the volunteers should be between 18 – be 25 years. As a high school degree studies would be appropriate, especially because we need knowledge of German B1 for working with children. A driving license would be an advantage.

The field of activity includes office and administrative work, as well as the work with children.

What concerns the office work, so that simply means that the volunteer helps supporting in everything just applied that way.

At the work with children it concerns around private lessons for children from 10 years and youngsters in the subjects German, mathematics and foreign languages (probably mainly English, perhaps also French). The homework care also belongs to it, as well as the leisure and recreational activities. This could be anything – painting and drawing, handicrafts and needlework, perhaps even cooking, or sports. Also singing, making music (possibly RAP) or dance (break-dance) would be conceivable. This decides the creativity of the volunteers together with the leaders and the children.

All around the EFD

The volunteer participates in the EVS seminars.

It would be conceivable that beside the online linguistic courses also VHS-continuing education courses are financed.

A monthly ticket will be paid, maybe a company car is also available.

The surrounding

Ehingen is a small town and is lying a little bit rurally. There are countless sporty activity possibilities, restaurants, bistros and bars/pubs, a cinema and a small museum, as well as a gallery is also available. Moreover, Ehingen is located in the catchment area of Ulm and there is an enormous amount of cultural course offered. To enumerate everything here it would sprinkle the frame. Definitely a sociable young people will not be bored.

And Germany itself can also be discovered.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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