Консультант/ка з розробки та сприяння оцінці компетенцій


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Консультант/ка з розробки та сприяння оцінці компетенцій

The Community Action for HIV Control (CAHC) project is seeking a consultant to design & facilitate competencies assessment for CAHC coordinators (middle-level managers of CAHC subgrantees).

Pact is an International NGO with offices throughout the world with a mission to enable systematic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy, and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems, and transforming markets into a force for development. Pact Ukraine manages several technical assistance projects in the fields of health care, governance, women’s leadership, and anti-corruption.

Pact Inc. is implementing a USAID-funded project Community Action for HIV Control. The project goal is to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control by 2030 by improved prevention, testing, and linkage to care among key and priority populations.

Your proposal RFP-4056-2023-23 should be submitted by 6.00 pm on December 4, 2023 (the deadline has been updated). Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel).

All questions or clarifications regarding this RFP must be in writing and submitted to [email protected] no later than 6.00 pm on December 1, 2023.

For more information, please see the document below.

RFP-4056-2023-23 Consultant for Competencies assessment_CAHC

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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