Консультант з досліджень SCORE


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Проект “Українська ініціатива з підвищення впевненості” шукає кваліфікованих фахівців, щоб заповнити короткострокову позицію консультанта з досліджень SCORE

USAID/OTI Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative is looking for qualified individuals to fill the short-term position of SCORE Local Research Consultant

Chemonics International, an international development consulting firm, implementing USAID’s Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) Project, solicits expressions of interest for a short-term Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (SCORE) Local Research Consultant.

USAID’s Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) complements ongoing USAID efforts to enable vulnerable eastern communities to actively participate in, benefit from, and advocate for Ukraine’s transition to a prosperous, unified and democratic state.

The program’s overarching objectives are to:

  • Increase citizen support for and participation in the development of a modern, inclusive Ukrainian identity and;
  • Increase citizen confidence and engagement in the reform process at the local level.

Earlier this year, UCBI and the international NGO Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD) conducted the Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE).  SCORE is a survey of over 10,000 Ukrainians in every region of the country on issues related to social cohesion, such as identity, IDP-host community relations and opinions of policy and government institutions. The study confirmed many key assumptions, and revealed a growing pluralism in Eastern Ukraine, a national acceptance of a European Future, and strong cohesion between IDPs and host communities in Eastern Ukraine.

In November, the findings have been presented to a wide range of local and international stakeholders, including the new Minister for IDP and occupied territories, and UN organizations.

In January and February the SeeD Research Director will return to Ukraine to hold additional consultations to inform the policy directions and programmatic decision making of Ukrainian government and civil society actors, as well as certain international actors. This will include, but are not limited to the Presidential Administration, Parliament, the Ministry of IDPs and Temporarily Occupied Territories, and oblast-level administration in the regions of interest.  It is anticipated that consultations will be held in Kramatorsk, Odesa, Kyiv and Lviv.

Scope/Responsibilities for this position include:

UCBI will recruit and engage a Kyiv-based Local Research Consultant, fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, and with experience in facilitating dialogue processes. The duties of this facilitator will include:

  • Engaging and maintaining relationships and contact with relevant stakeholders;
  • Organizing meetings and events on behalf of the SeeD Research Director;
  • Organizing follow-up meetings with stakeholders which he or she will facilitate; and
  • Compiling reports based on stakeholder deliberations;
  • Coordinating logistics and travel for SCORE related meetings.

Qualifications of the candidate will include:

  • Educational Background in Sociology, History, Political or International Relation studies;
  • Experience with Sociological research methodologies and analysis;
  • Contact network among the counterparts (government, academics, think-tank experts, journalists, decision makers etc.) in the target cities;
  • Ability to interact with and schedule meetings with high level Ukrainian government counterparts;
  • Written and spoken fluency in Russian/Ukrainian and English language;
  • Ability to travel to the locations, possibly on short notice, referenced above.

Period of assignment:  These consultations will take place during at least two 2-3 week periods during January-March 2017, during which the Local Research Consultant will be expected to work and travel with the SeeD Research Director full time.  Some part time work prior to the arrival of the Score Research Director will be authorized as needed.


Send electronic submissions to [email protected] by Friday, December 16, 2016. Please insert the position you are applying for (“SCORE consultant”) in the subject line and include your CV, cover letter, and the names and contact information of three (3) professional references. No telephone inquiries, please. Candidates will be considered on a rolling basis and only finalists will be contacted. Interested prospective applicants are encouraged to visit UCBI’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/USAIDUCBI/.

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