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UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.



All interested candidates SHOULD APPLY through new UNDP Supplier Portal (Quantum), following registration via Registration link

Registration Instructions: Guide for UNDP Suppliers using Quantum portal

Negotiation ID: UNDP-UKR-00342

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UNDP Procurement Notices: UNDP | Procurement Notices

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The project “Civil Society and Youth Support” funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a nation-scale 4-year initiative which runs from 1st January 2023 until 31st December 2026. The Civil Society and Youth Support Project (CSYP) builds on many years of joint programming by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DMFA) and UNDP supporting civil society and youth empowerment. CSYP contributes to the following long-term result: “Ukraine’s civil society and youth are impactful players in strengthening the country’s resilience and recovery, democracy and human rights agenda, including issues of respect to diversity and women’s rights and social cohesion“. The project has a three-dimensional approach. Firstly, it intends to strengthen civil society organizations: focusing first and foremost at the subnational level) to enable active civil society­ participation in strengthening Ukraine’s resilience, sustainable recovery and development processes, link established CSOs with youth groups especially newly emerged initiatives after February 2022 to ensure cross-fertilization in skills. Secondly, the project will work at the central level to create a more enabling policy environment for CSOs and support the national “youth machinery”. CSYP will support CSOs to monitor the implementation of national-level policies to determine progress made and areas needing additional efforts. Thirdly and finally, CSYP is designed to support Ukrainian youth in to actively participate in Ukraine’s recovery by honing their skills for good citizenship and leadership. The project will support youth-driven projects and expose young women and men to how local governments operate to implement locally relevant l initiatives.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has severely affected the situation for young people in Ukraine, with disruption in education, displacement and psychological traumas. According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine data, as a result of the war 40% of young people in Ukraine have been affected, with more than two million young people becoming internally displaced, and around two million young people forced to flee abroad. But despite the challenges of the war, many young people have played an active role in the emergency response, serving as volunteers in their communities, helping to distribute humanitarian aid and support internally displaced people (IDPs) and vulnerable populations.

UNDP is recognizing youth as key agents of change in resilience building and sustainable recovery, and in the longer term, sustainable peace. Building on a strong relationship with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and a substantive experience of supporting youth participation at national, sub-national and local levels. Hence, UNDP supports the promotion of young people’s voices and participation in decision making processes at all levels in the recovery efforts.

The third component of CSYP is focused on building skills of young people including through practical exposure to how Ukrainian municipalities work. Currently, municipalities are experiencing significant budget cuts and in turn have to reduce the spending for civil service staff while simultaneously deal with overwhelming challenges of large in country displacement, civil infrastructure destruction, impaired ability to provide administrative and social services to the public. Thus, the skills-building programme will not only give young women and men an opportunity to receive first-hand experience in the municipal/government work, but also will aid the selected municipalities in crisis response and somewhat reduce the staff-shortage.



Through this assignment, UNDP seeks the services of a qualified Consultant to develop an internship programme for youth and oversee its pilot stage in selected municipalities (will be defined by UNDP in coordination with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Consultant at the start of the initiative implementation).


The role of the Consultant is to develop the concept and methodology of an internship programme for youth in municipalities. The process will include:

  • Creating a work plan with a timeline, identifying, and involving key actors and stakeholders (governmental bodies and/or civil society organizations or other actors which have experience or mandate to implement such programmes) working with youth to contribute to the methodology’s formulation and pilot process. Facilitation sessions to be conducted with these actors to gain insights into the needs, expectations, and experiences related to youth engagement in civil service work;
  • Conduction of personal interviews with actors to understand their motivations, priorities, and past challenges with engaging youth and public servants;
  • Based on the gathered information, preparation of a draft methodology for internships, and seeking feedback from the actors to finalize the document;
  • Development of a comprehensive training programme for organizations hosting interns, along with consulting support for the initial pilot programme to analyse results, adjust the methodology, and propose improvements for future implementations. 

The ultimate goal is to establish an effective internship programme that benefits both youth and participating municipalities.

The Consultant will need to have excellent communication and coordination skills, as well as the ability to work with a wide range of stakeholders. The Consultant will also need to have knowledge of the youth infrastructure in Ukraine, enabling them to tailor the internship programme to the specific needs and challenges faced by young individuals in the country.

The Consultant shall perform the following tasks:

Deliverable #

Task description

Deadline for deliverable

Deliverable 1

Identifying and liaising with key stakeholders

Under this deliverable, the consultant will be responsible to establish a solid foundation for the development of a youth internship methodology, namely:

  • Develop a comprehensive work plan with a clear timeline, outlining the activities and milestones for the development of the youth internship methodology.
  • Identify main actors and stakeholders who have experience of working with youth and/or implementation of similar internship programmes;
  • Organize and facilitate a session with the identified actors and stakeholders. During the session, their requests, needs, expectations, experiences, and ideas about youth engagement should be actively explored and documented.
  • Collect feedback from young men and women in 5 selected communities regarding the possibility of internships in local self-government bodies and communal enterprises, including the main motivational factors for youth.
  • Evaluate the capacity of educational institutions in several communities to partner in organizing internships for youth in local municipalities.
  • Develop a concise report summarizing the key findings and outcomes of the facilitation session and present it to the project team for further consideration and integration into the internship methodology development process.


Output: Key actors and stakeholders identified, facilitation session conducted, and a short report is submitted to UNDP (up to 7 pages, Times New Roman 10, in Ukrainian).

1 month after the start of the contract

Deliverable 2

Conduction of in-depth interviews with identified stakeholders.

The Consultant will be responsible for conducting of no less than six (6) in-depth interviews with the selected actors and stakeholders. These interviews should be designed to uncover their hidden motivations, priorities, and concerns about engaging youth. Additionally, the interviews should explore any negative experiences they have encountered when working implementing similar internship programmes.

Based on the conducted interviews a comprehensive report summarizing the findings from the interviews should be prepared and include key themes, trends, and insights gathered from the interviews, while ensuring the anonymity and confidentiality of the interviewees.

Output: at least six interviews are conducted, and report is developed and submitted to UNDP for comments (up to 3 pages, Times New Roman 10, in Ukrainian)

1 month after the completion of deliverable 1

Deliverable 3

Development of the draft of the methodology of internship programme.

Under this deliverable, the consultant is expected to create the initial version of the internship methodology through following the next steps:

  • Thoroughly review the insights gathered from the personal interviews with the actors and stakeholders.
  • Identify best practices from existing youth internship programs and incorporate them into the methodology to enhance its effectiveness.
  • Clearly define the overarching goals and specific objectives of the internship programme.
  • Create a comprehensive outline of the methodology, detailing the key components, stages, and activities involved in implementing internships programmes. The methodology should encompass at least recruitment, selection, onboarding, training, mentoring, and evaluation processes.

Output: the draft methodology is developed, submitted to UNDP for review (up to 15 pages, Times New Roman 10, in Ukrainian)

1 month after the completion of deliverable 2

Deliverable 4

Presentation of the methodology and its revision according to received feedback

The Consultant will be responsible for presenting the initial draft of the youth internship methodology to the actors and stakeholders for their feedback and input. Their insights and suggestions should be incorporated into the document, leading to the finalization of the methodology. The revised and improved version will then be presented to the project supervisor for final approval.

Output: the methodology is presented to stakeholders, revised according to comments and approved by UNDP.

2 weeks after the completion of deliverable 3

Deliverable 5

Development of the internship programme

The Consultant will be responsible for creating a comprehensive training programme for representatives of organizations/municipalities that will host interns based on the methodology of the programme. The training programme should include a well-structured curriculum, guidelines for participants, and additional materials to ensure a successful and productive internship experience for both young people and host municipality/organization. Once the programme is drafted and approved by UNDP, the training will be conducted to prepare host organizations/municipalities for their roles and responsibilities in mentoring and supporting the interns.

Output: the training programme is developed and submitted for UNDP approval (up to 15 pages, Times New Roman 10, in Ukrainian).

2 months after the completion of deliverable 4

Deliverable 6

Consulting Support for the First Pilot Programme and Methodology Adjustment

The Consultant will be responsible for this activity by provision of consulting support for the first pilot program: analyzing the results obtained from the pilot and making necessary adjustments to the methodology. The goal is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in the pilot program and use these insights to refine the, which should be accomplished through the following steps:

  • Provide consulting support to project team members, host organizations, and participants as needed during the pilot program. Offer guidance and solutions to address challenges or issues that may arise;
  • Collect data and feedback from various sources, including participants, host organizations, and other stakeholders involved in the pilot programme;
  • Analyse the collected data to evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot programme and identify areas of success and areas that require improvement;
  • Revise and refine the methodology, incorporating the identified adjustments to optimize its implementation and outcomes for future iterations.
  • Ensure that the revised methodology aligns with the lessons learned from the pilot.

Output: the mentorship support is provided, feedback analysed, revised methodology is approved by UNDP.

15 June 2024


The Consultant shall report to the Youth Development Analyst. The Consultant will need to provide monthly reports on key results, achievements, and challenges related to the implementation of the programme.

The final report shall be submitted to UNDP no later than 30 June 2024.

The Consultant shall provide the necessary information and reports according to a preliminary determined schedule or as soon as possible (within a reasonable period of time). UNDP will be the ultimate authority to control the quality of work results and assess the Contractor’s performance during the assignment.

All reports should be transmitted to UNDP electronically (formats of: * .docx, * .xlsx, * .pptx, * .pdf) on the electronic source or in the form of electronic communication with the attached final product in the Ukrainian language.



  • At least Bachelor’s degree in political science, social science or related field.
  • At least 3 years of experience in the area of youth work (such as designing and/or implementing projects with and for young people, and/or capacity development and education initiatives for young people);
  • At least 2 projects in youth sphere with a focus on policy development and/or capacity development (examples/samples/overview provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal);
  • Experience in designing internship programmes for youth would be considered as an asset (examples/samples/overview provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal);
  • At least fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian (confirmed by the examples/samples/brief overview of the formally approved/implemented documents provided for the professional experience requirement). Working knowledge of English would be an advantage.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


Applicants shall submit the following documents:


  • CV, including information about experience in similar projects/assignments and contact details of at least two (2) professional referees;
  • Examples/samples/overview of at least 2 projects in youth sphere with a focus on policy development and/or capacity development (provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal);
  • Financial proposal.


  • Examples/samples/overview of designing internship programmes for youth would be considered as an asset (provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal).


Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify the cost of professional services of Consultant on the development of internship programme for youth for completion of the assignment as per deliverables and in total.

Financial proposal shall include a breakdown of the lump sum amount in accordance with the deliverables defined in this ToR Section 3.

UNDP will provide payments in tranches in accordance with the proposed payment scheme below and upon acceptance of the deliverables duly certified by UNDP in accordance with the deliverables list in these ToR based on quality control and recommendations.

In particular, the payment schedule will be as follows:

Deliverable 1. 20%

Deliverable 2. 20%

Deliverable 3. 20%

Deliverable 4. 15%

Deliverable 5. 15%

Deliverable 6. 10%

Total: 100%

Travel costs

Should any travel be necessary in connection to this TOR, UNDP will reimburse the expenses based on the duly authorized travel details, including travel and per diems. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


Educational background – 20 points max:

- Minimum required: Bachelor’s degree in political science, social science or related field.

(15 pts – Bachelor’s degree; 20 pts – Master’s (Specialist’s) degree or higher in the relevant field);

Relevant professional experience – 40 points max:

- Minimum required: at least 3 years of experience in the area of youth work (such as designing and/or implementing projects with and for young people, and/or capacity development and education initiatives for young people) (14 pts – 3 years; 17 pts – 4-5 years; 20 points – 6 years and more);

- Minimum required: at least 2 projects in youth sphere with a focus on policy development and/or capacity development (examples/samples/overview provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal)

(12 pts – 2 projects; 15 pts – 3 projects; 18 pts – 4 projects and more);

- Experience in designing internship programmes for youth would be considered as an asset

(no experience – 0 pts; available experience proved by examples/samples/overview provided as the links or separate documents attached to the proposal – 2 pts);

Language skills – 10 points max:

- Minimum required: fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian (confirmed by the examples/samples/brief overview of the formally approved/implemented documents provided for the professional experience requirement)

(8 pts – fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian; 10 pts – fluent writing, editing and oral communication skills in Ukrainian and working knowledge of English).

Maximum available technical score – 70 points.


Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer. After successful completion of the validation interview the offeror will be awarded a contract.

 More information: https://www.unjobnet.org/jobs/detail/61617855

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Фахівець/чиня з адвокації (Advocacy Officer)

Sеnіоr Prоjесt Маnаgеr: Соmmunісаtіоns аnd SММ

Еxpеrt: Іnlаnd Wаtеrwауs Тrаnspоrt

Фахівець/-чиня по роботі з громадами

Інженер/-ка ремонтних робіт в місцях компактного поселення

Старший/а менеджер/ка з досліджень / Senior Research Manager