Комунікаційний/а менеджер/ка до Команди підтримки відновлення та реформ Міносвіти


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Комунікаційний/а менеджер/ка до Команди підтримки відновлення та реформ Міносвіти

The Recovery and Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is seeking a qualified specialist for the position of a Communication Manager, VET, Category 2

The detailed job descriptions (Terms of Reference) can be found at the link (Communications Manager). 

The RST supports the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the implementation of priority reforms. The RST is part of the Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) programme. URA is a comprehensive technical assistance programme, deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine. 

Submissions deadline: 23:59 (Kyiv time) on June 9, 2024.

Potential candidates should submit:

  • Contact details of three referees who, if contacted, can confirm the candidate’s professional and/or educational background.

The documents should be sent to [email protected] within the deadlines indicated. 

For more information on the vacancy and application process, please see. 


Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) is deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine. URA is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD. Contributors to the MDA are Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, the largest donor.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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