Grants Officer (Краматорськ)


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DAI Global

вакансія vacancy job
Grants Officer (Краматорськ)

 DAI Global оголошує вакансію Grants Officer (далі – англ.).

  1. Project Background:

The purpose of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity is to improve the overall economic resilience of eastern Ukraine in response to Russian aggression, which has disrupted critical market linkages, catalyzed the economic decline of previously dominant industries, and caused massive population disruption. Resilience is “the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth.” This activity aims to improve the economic resilience of eastern Ukraine through accomplishing the following objectives:

  • OBJECTIVE 1: Provide assistance to stabilize the economy of eastern Ukraine
  • OBJECTIVE 2: Support the sustainable development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in eastern Ukraine
  • OBJECTIVE 3: Build confidence in the future of the eastern Ukrainian economy

By accomplishing these objectives, the economy of eastern Ukraine will be more diversified, more integrated with the rest of Ukraine, less dependent on Russia, and the region’s residents will be better equipped to compete for the jobs of the future, thereby improving the economic resilience of the region.  The activity will work primarily in the oblasts most affected by Russia’s aggression, Donetsk and Luhansk—together known as the “Donbas” region—but will also be active in the surrounding oblasts and throughout Ukraine as required to achieve the objectives. See C.6 Geographic Targeting for a more comprehensive definition of “eastern Ukraine.”

  1. Roles Purpose:

 The USAID Economic Resilience Activity requires a grants officer to assist and help administer all grants activities during the duration of the project. An effective grants program is an integral part of accomplishing the objectives and outcomes required for the project.

  1. Objectives and Duties:
  • Monitor the work of grantees – their budgetary execution, work plans, timely and accurate reports submission, all of which must be in agreement with USAID regulations as well as contractual regulations.
  • Serve as liaison of comments and inquiries from the grantees.
  • Keep and maintain the files of all grants including
    • Reports
    • Expenses
    • Communications
    • And more
  • Perform field visits to grantees and beneficiaries.
  • Follow all requests for payment and their corresponding payment.
  • Give support during closing processes and all disposal plans of inventories.
  • Collaborate with the Communications Officer to generate success stories.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
  • A minimum of 3 years of professional experience
  • Ability to communicate effectively to grantees and provide timely feedback.
  • Ability to write reports in English is required.
  • Fluency in English is required

 Submission Instructions: Please submit CVs in English to [email protected]. Submissions are accepted until November 15, 2018.  Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No email or phone inquiries, please. When submitting your CV, please include position title in the email subject line.

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