Gender Equality and Sociаl Inclusion (GESI) Expert


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Gender Equality and Sociаl Inclusion (GESI) Expert

Chemonics International Inc. is looking for a qualified professionаl to fill the position Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Expert

Estimated Period of Performance/Level Of Effort

16 days.


The eight-year USAID Democratic Governance East (DG East) Activity aims to strengthen the connection and trust between citizens and their government in eastern and southern Ukraine by promoting an inclusive civic identity and common civic values and addressing the divisive impacts and the consequences of the ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine. DG East works to (1) develop greater acceptance of a shared civic culture based on common values and understandings, and to (2) increase participation to improve Ukraine’s governance and reform processes and help to resolve community problems. DG East activities are implemented across four regional portfolios and an office in Kyiv.

Kherson City Military Administration (CMA) is experiencing insufficient material and technical support for the executive bodies due to the eight months of occupation. The absence or insufficient ICT equipment and electronic communication does not allow the Kherson CMA to fully organize the work of executive authorities, to represent the interests of residents of the territorial community and to exercise relevant functions and powers on behalf of and in the interests of the community. Due to prolonged hostilities and occupation in the region, the city council has lost many employees, which is why there is a current shortage of qualified personnel. The purpose of this activity is to improve the capacity of Kherson CMA to provide public services and to improve local governance processes and capacities. DG East will support Kherson CMA in their effort to restore the work of 8 departments of the Executive Committee of Kherson City Council and restore services provision to internally displaced people (IDPs) and local population through the procurement of critical IT equipment such as computers, necessary software and a training for 30 representatives of eight structural subdivisions of Kherson City Council including a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion training.

Purpose of Assignment:

The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Expert will provide support and expertise to DG East in raising awareness and knowledge of gender equity principles and related gender issues for Kherson City Council staff. In particular, the Expert will develop two training modules on gender issues which will reflect the applicable laws and requirements for local government entities. The target audience for the trainings is representatives of eight Executive Bodies of Kherson City Council and Administrative Service Center staff. The training will be followed by the development of the operational framework and mentoring of the newly trained personnel so that they can smoothly apply the knowledge obtained to their day to day work. 

Detailed Tasks:

The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Expert will be responsible for performing the following tasks:

  1. Develop methodology for a two-day (maximum 4 hours a day) online GESI training for local government representatives of different structural subdivisions of Kherson city Council, namely Department of office management, Department of Administrative Services, Department of accounting and reporting, Department of Urban Planning, Architecture and Land Resources, Department of city marketing and tourism, Department of Legal Policy and Quality, Department of Information Technologies and Department of mass media and public relations.
  2. Develop training materials both theoretical and practical. It is aimed at educating local government staff on social inclusion and diversity, on finding out the level of understanding of the essence of the concept of genders, their roles, gender identity, gender tolerance by the participants. The training will provide participants with the knowledge on how to communicate with under-represented groups of population (this can refer to gender, race/ethnicity, physical or mental ability, LGBTQ+status etc.) and will enables participants to conduct needs assessment in terms of GESI.
  3. Conduct pre and post training knowledge survey.
  4. Develop operational framework for the application of the GESI principles to day-to-day work of the CC and ASC staff.

The training should address the following:

  • Ukrainian legal framework and international commitments related to the field of gender equity.
  • Forming a positive attitude to gender equity issues.
  • Promoting professional self-realization through the abandonment of gender stereotypes.
  • Support of democratic values and prevention of discrimination.
  • Develop a tolerant attitude towards a person, its choice and peculiarities.
  • Train on a the principal of respect for diversity.
  • Gender issues and service delivery processes.
  • Form critical thinking among the participants of training and support analysis of information.
  • Tools to incorporate gender sensitive approach to the activity planning and policies.
  • Motivate participants, especially females, for self-realization and active position to stand for and protect their rights.
  1. Conduct two-day online on the job training for up to 30 representatives of Kherson City Council.
  2. Provide consulting and mentoring support, so to assist trained personnel to deal with possible difficulties with applying new knowledge at work. (Remote support)
  3. Develop operational plan for application of GESI principles to daily work for CC and ASC staff.
  4. Develop a questionnaire to survey how trained staff apply the acquired knowledge and skills they have learned in practice 6 months following the activity.
  5. Develop a report with recommendations for DG East on how to address issues of gender equity in the most efficient way.


The expected deliverables of the assignment include the following:

  1. Activity program and timeline.
  2. Methodology of the interactive training with the detailed training program.
  3. Training materials for the developed trainings – PP presentations, training evaluation forms, list of participants, including screenshots.
  4. Two-day online on the job training for up to 30 representatives of Kherson City Council.
  5. Pre and post training knowledge survey.
  6. Operational plan for application of GESI principles to daily work for CC and ASC staff.
  7. A questionnaire to survey how trained staff put theacquired knowledge and skills they have learned 6 months following the activity.
  8. Expert’s final report, which should include description of all stages of work with recommendations to DG East on how to use the results obtained by the trainings and any improvements and modifications needed in the future to address issues of gender equity more effectively.

Supervision and Reporting:

The GESI Expert will report to the Regional Director and will work closely with the Governance Specialist and DG East GESI focal point. 

Level of Effort:

A total of 16 days of LOE.

Place of Performance

The assignment will take place remotely from within Ukraine.


The timeframe for this assignment will be on/about May 5, 2024 – May 30, 2024.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to [email protected]   with  Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Expert listed in the subject line by April 7, 2024 Candidates must ensure that their CV does *not* include a photograph, date of birth, and/or marital status information. 

No telephone inquiries, please. Candidates will be considered on a rolling basis, and only finalists will be contacted. 

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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