Фонд “Євразія” шукає Фінансового(-ву) менеджера/ку


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Фонд “Євразія” шукає Фінансового(-ву) менеджера/ку


Location: Kyiv, Ukraine 

Job Type: Full-time 

Application Deadline: July 7, 2024


Eurasia Foundation (EF) is a US-based non-profit, nonpartisan organization committed to helping citizens in countries in transition realize their full potential and transform their societies. EF supports governments and citizens to enhance responsive, accountable, and transparent governance, and helps citizens build a stronger, more resilient civil society.   

EF is leading implementation of the Digital Transformation Activity (DTA), an innovative eGovernance program that aims to bolster Ukraine’s digital transformation to promote the nation’s economic revitalization, transparency in reconstruction, and democratic governance during the ongoing conflict and beyond. DTA is co-funded by USAID and UK Dev.   

The Finance Manager is responsible for financial tracking, modeling, allocation and utilization funding in line with the planned results and deliverables for DTA. Possessing strong interpersonal skills, the Finance Manager maintains excellent relations with Government of Ukraine beneficiaries, local and international implementing partners, and USAID.  

Essential Functions

  • Maintain an orderly filing system for all accounting-related documents, including procurement memos, consultant contracts, invoices and other back-up documentation.  
  • Supervise the Accountant and Finance Assistant. 
  • Prepare monthly field office reports for review by the Head of Finance and Contracting. 
  • Prepare monthly requests for funds for submission to EF’s DC Office. 
  • Prepare monthly VAT report. 
  • Coordinate with the outsourced account service provider on staff salaries, vacation, sick leave, and additional benefits payments. 
  • Provide program staff with expense reports and burn rates as requested. 
  • Analyze and track all costs incurred under the DTA cooperative agreement. 
  • Support the Head of Finance and Contracting in preparing budgets, conducting budget reviews, and preparing and budget vs actuals reports. 
  • Ensure that financial record-keeping system is maintained in accordance with Ukrainian law and USAID’s regulations. 
  • Coordinate with EF DC finance staff to ensure compliance with EF and donor policies and procedures.  
  • Assist with the preparation of donor reports. 


  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business administration or other related field from an accredited university required; Master’s degree preferred.  


  • At least 5 years of experience in financial management and/or project administration required. 
  • Financial management and/or project administration experience with USAID programs highly desired. 
  • Experience compiling and preparing financial and budget reports, analyzing budget trends, and monitoring funding levels. 
  • Demonstrated experience establishing and overseeing financial management procedures to monitor and adjust program budgets. 
  • Experience administering grants and overseeing grants programs.   
  • Demonstrated experience working with Ukrainian compliance agencies during project implementation. 
  • Experience ensuring compliance with donors’ financial requirements.  
  • Strong proficiency with financial management and accounting software. 
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills. 
  • Native proficiency in Ukrainian is required. Strong English writing and spoken also proficiency required.  

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to the application at EF webportal Eurasia Foundation

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