Фахівець із комунікації/секторальної політики у Проект ЄС Association4U


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Фахівець із комунікації/секторальної політики у Проект ЄС Association4U

Проект ЄС Association4U оголошує набір фахівців із комунікації/аналізу секторальної політики для надання підтримки 1 з 6 міністерств у побудові “інформаційних вікон” (Helpdesks) щодо імплементації Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС.

Sectoral/Communication Fellows to provide support to Government Institutions (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Energy and Coal industry, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources) in organizing the work of Helpdesks (profile on the issues under the EU-UA Association Agreement and Deep & Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA). 
Sectoral/Communication Fellows will be guided by and under a supervision of Senior/Associate Fellows and International experts.
The main task – research of information, drafting research papers and executive summaries.
Eligibility Criteria:
The applicant must be Ukrainian citizen, and should not have been employed by the Ukrainian public administration in the six months prior to the closing date of this announcement.
The applicant must be independent and free from conflict of interest in the responsibilities he/she takes on.
The successful Sectoral/Communication Fellow Candidate appointed to this important role will be required to perform on a full-time basis the following tasks:
  • Consideration of the AA/DCFTA Implementation plans, policy objectives and priorities of Line Ministries (to understand focus of content to be delivered);
  • Desk-search of content for helpdesks in order to create content based on profile business & public inquiries.
The following professional qualities are required:
  • Master’s Degree in economics/international relations/communication or any other profile areas matching needs of the Ministries under this activity
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English (at least level B2)
  • Research skills and experience (any research papers, articles, thesis etc); 
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills

Would be considered as an advantage (non-mandatory):

To apply for this position, please submit a letter of motivation and your CV in EU format to [email protected] indicating “Sectoral / Communication Fellows” in the subject line of the email before 31 August  2017, 12:00

Please include your telephone contact number and indicate preferred ministry in the e-mail.
Please note that only candidates selected for the interviews will be contacted.
Website of Association4U Project: http://association4u.com.ua.

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