Evaluation Specialist (проект)


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Evaluation Specialist (проект)

Academic degree in International Development Studies, Humanitarian Action or a related field;
Demonstrated experience in humanitarian response and knowledge of humanitarian standards (CHS,
Sphere, Code of Conduct).
Demonstrated experience of leading evaluations of humanitarian response programmes
Demonstrated experience with quantitative and qualitative research, data base management and
statistical data analysis
Experience of working in Eastern Europe / Ukraine
Experience of evaluating consortia/joint responses
Proven record of communicating with beneficiaries, also with children using child friendly methods
Demonstrated knowledge of Dutch development and funding streams and access to the Dutch
Ministry for an interview.
Ability to assess and further develop a conceptual evaluation tool
Relevant subject matter knowledge and experience regarding the thematic areas of this UKJR
Ability to deal with hardship and remote area field work

Strong understanding of humanitarian and evaluation ethics and a commitment to ethical working
Advanced English writing skills
Deep understanding of UN Humanitarian Response Plans
Experience in/ understanding of measuring the value of collaboration of partnerships/ cooperation
Experience of working in insecure environments in Ukraine and managing security risks
Action-oriented and evidence based approach and strong drive for results;
Highly developed self-management, and communication skills;

Interested Parties are requested to submit:
A proposal explaining their comprehension of the proposed consultancy, and how they would
approach this assignment with a summary of their methodology especially in terms of how
the party plans to meet the objectives.
Additionally, they should submit one or two (if necessary anonymized) examples of similar
evaluations conducted previously.
The application should include a team composition with Lead Consultant and or two local
evaluators. The application should include minimum two CVs of the persons to be involved in
the assignment and relevant experience.
A detailed budget in Euros
Time availability.

All proposals should be received by June 21, 2019 COB (CET) by email to Anton van Wijk, NL Lead at 

[email protected]

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