Експерт з питань адвокації та комунікацій в Національний офіс реформи деінституціоналізації


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Експерт з питань адвокації та комунікацій в Національний офіс реформи деінституціоналізації

Механізм підтримки фахівців для реформ оголошує вакансію Експерта з питань адвокації та комунікацій в Національний офіс реформи деінституціоналізації.

Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support – from managers to technical experts – to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies. PRSM is a multi-donor platform, which improves coordination of donor efforts for greater impact and avoids overlap of donor funding. It does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

Within the framework of the National Strategy for Institutional Children’s Care System Reform the Ombudsman has initiated to establish the National Deinstitutionalization (DI) Reform office that will act as an independent donor-funded non-government office with certain mandate from the Presidential Administration to coordinate, monitor and build up cooperation and interaction between executive authorities and local authorities regarding the implementation of the Reform.

The office will be supervised by the Steering Committee to plan, implement, communicate, coordinate and monitor stakeholders for the Institutional Children’s Care System Reform.

Based on the reform framework, it is planned the National DI Reform Office will cover three sectors:
1. DI-transition planning policy development.
2. Responsible community concept implementation and piloting.
3. Intersectoral supportive division.

Position Summary:
Advocacy & Communications Advisor will be responsible for raising the awareness on national, regional and local levels about child challenges and institutionalization as well as forming and promoting new family oriented and child focused values in a frame of DI reform.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • Master degree, preferably in Communication, Journalism, International Relations, Philology or other related areas;
  • High level ( professional) of competency in Ukrainian and English language, both written and verbal;
  • Knowing of different aspects of public information and communication;
  • Ability to address a range of issues in the context of DI reform;
  • Ability to conceptualize, design and implement major information campaigns on DI reform;
  • Ability to rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources;
  • Ability to diplomatically handle sensitive situations with target audiences and cultivate productive relationships;
  • Ability to produce a variety of written and visual communication products in a clear, concise style;
  • Familiarity with DI , DI international practices, children’s right legislation, and full understanding of current challenges in Ukraine in that sphere;
  • Understanding of the reform agenda with professional involvement over the past 5 years;
  • Proven ability to understand and diagnose problems and issues and effectively develop communication and awareness strategies;
  • Understanding the role of media and communications in reforming of social, educational, medical environment in Ukraine;
  • Initiative, good leadership skills, communicative, responsible, ready to follow, lead and work in team.

Contract Duration and Timing:
The total duration of the consultancy is expected to be 3 months, with possible extension, based in Kyiv.

For more detailed information about preferred qualifications and skills, indicative duties and responsibilities, as well as applying procedure, please visit our web-site:


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Вакансія: Project Coordinator on Urban Infrastructure and Resilience