Експерт(-ка) з розвитку електромереж у Команду підтримки відновлення та реформ Міністерства енергетики України


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The Recovery and Reform Support Team (the RST) at the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine (the Ministry) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded temporarily through the Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) programme that provides targeted technical support and assists the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms.

The RST was launched in 2021 to assist the Ministry with the implementation of priority reforms in the following areas: an integrated approach to the formulation of energy policy, ensuring efficient operation of energy markets, coal industry reform, improving energy efficiency, implementation of the National Emission Reduction Plan, public administration reform and capacity building.

Expert on Electricity grids development will be a full-time consultant in the RST at the Ministry.

The Expert will be responsible for:

  • coordination and facilitation of Energy Transition Policy implementation process specifically regarding electricity grids development;
  • providing consulting and expert support in preparing and drafting strategies, policy papers, analytical materials, and implementation plans roadmaps;
  • cooperation with relevant departments of the Ministry and other stakeholders;
  • providing policy management support (policy development, implementation plans, risk management, etc.);
  • providing support to capacity building in the Ministry.

This consultancy assignment is expected to start in March, 2024 with an estimated overall duration until August, 2025. The duration of the assignment will depend on the availability of funding, the needs of the URA programme and the performance of the selected consultant.

Submissions must be prepared in English only and delivered electronically by 23:59 (Kyiv time) on March 8th, 2024 to the following address: [email protected].

All submissions must include a completed Application Form, NDA Form, the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae and Reference Letter (original in English, or Ukrainian with English translation) together with the contact details of two further referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional background of the candidate.
Only applications which have been submitted using the correct template and are fully completed will be considered.

More details: Terms of Reference Expert on Electricity grids development

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