Chemonics International шукає Procurement Specialist


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Chemonics International шукає Procurement Specialist

Chemonics International, a global consulting and international development firm, seek a Procurement Specialist, long-term position, for the USAID-funded Competitive Economy Program (CEP). CEP is a seven year, $170M program, which promotes a strong, diverse, and open economy by enhancing the business environment for Ukrainian enterprises, improving the competitiveness of emerging and high-growth industries and their firms in international markets and equipping the Ukrainian workforce with skills necessary for reconstruction and rebuilding the economy. 

The Procurement Specialist (Specialist) will support CEP’s grants and subcontracts team in all aspects related to procurement. This includes the administration of procurement processes; drafting, review, and recordkeeping of documentation relating to procurements and agreements; supporting procurement selection processes, negotiations, and awards; and providing training and capacity-building as needed to project staff and grantees on topics related to procurement.

 The Specialist’s responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Responsible for the pricing and purchasing of goods and services
  • Record, screen, and review Procurement Action Requests (PAR). Track each PAR as it moves through the process, prevent delays and trouble-shoot roadblocks
  • Liaise with vendors and subcontractors to ensure quality of services and products
  • Support procurement activities and management of subcontract/vendor agreements in compliance with the CEP contract, Chemonics policies and procedures, and USAID regulations
  • Issue solicitations, collect quotations, and execute procurements of goods and services to support technical activities and operational/administrative tasks
  • Generate draft solicitations and associated documents, including selection memoranda and justification of sole source, as required
  • Maintain current and complete records relating to procurement and vendor agreements, manage current agreements, and ensure compliant closeout of agreements and subcontracts as needed
  • Apply CEP’s procedures and processes in evaluating proposals and price quotations, including serving as a member of selection committees as needed
  • Contribute to preparation and execution of procurements relating to grants, including coordination and work with grantees and technical specialists in procurements related to grant agreements
  • Conduct site visits to vendors as needed
  • Provide support to the operations team with inventory management
  • Carry-out procurement close-out activities in accordance with USAID regulations
  • Maintain and communicate budgetary and financial information, including forecasts and invoice payment status, to home office, technical specialists and members of grants and subcontracts team
  • Maintain familiarity with contractual requirements, USAID regulations, and Chemonics policies and procedures relating to procurement, share guidance with members of the CEP team as requested, and seek guidance from Chemonics resources as needed
  • Report any concerns or issues, whether verified or not, to senior management
  • Other duties as assigned by the Chief of Party, Deputy Chief of Party, Grants Manager or their designees

 The required and/or preferred qualifications for the Specialist position are:

  • Bachelor’s degree in finance, administration, or related field required
  • Minimum five years of procurement experience, including solicitation and collecting quotations required.
  • Familiarity with USAID procurement regulations preferred
  • Working proficiency in basic office computer applications, including MS Word and Excel required
  • Exceptional organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines and work in fast-paced environments required
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrity
  • Proficiency in English and Ukrainian required

Application Instructions:

To apply, please click on the following link;

Please submit your application by 12:00 pm on Saturday 16 December 2023.

Please note the position is open for Ukrainian citizens only. The post of assignment is CEP’s Kyiv office. Candidates will be reviewed and interviewed on a rolling basis until position is filled. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.  

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Незалежний/а консультант/ка для проведення зовнішньої фінальної оцінки проєкту, що був реалізований за підтримки ЄС / Independent consultant to conduct an external final evaluation of the project funded by the EU

Вакансія: Call for expression of interest (Designers)

Закупівля експертних послуг з розробки навчальної програми та проведення шести триденних тренінгів з реінтеграції дітей у біологічні родини для 20-ти громад Волинської області

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій