Американські Ради: Office Assistant Position


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Американські Ради: Office Assistant Position

The Kyiv office of American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS is currently seeking a proactive, flexible and reliable candidate to fill its Office Assistant position. This is a full-time, 40 hours a week position. Working hours are 9:30 to 18:00 Monday-Friday.


• Greet visitors and announce them to staff;
• Answer phones calls and direct them to necessary program staff;
• Answer general questions regarding the work of American Councils in Ukraine;
• Answer specific questions regarding the FLEX program;
• Assist FLEX program with administrative On Program Support issues;
• Work with FLEX students and parents on health-related questions during and after notification;
• Contact person for local travel agency, and responsible for compiling receipts for expense reports;
• Prepare direct mailings to Ukrainian schools announcing the FLEX competition;
• Assist with FLEX testing in Kyiv and in other cities;
• Verify the completeness of program applications sent to the office;
• Assist in accepting, tracking and verifying participant documents – visa forms,
permission forms, health forms, etc.;
• Tracking outgoing courier shipments;
• Assist with general maintenance of files and information in office;
• Update information in database of contacts;
• Support to Ukraine office intra-organization and external communications activities;
• Other administrative support duties as assigned.

• Native Ukrainian
• Fluent English
• Ukrainian – English translation (written and verbal)
• Bachelor’s degree
• Punctual
• Strong clerical skills
• Strong written and oral communication skills (English, Ukrainian)
• U.S. experience or familiarity with the FLEX program is preferred.

Submit a cover letter with a current resume and salary history via e-mail: [email protected]. Applications must be submitted no later than May 16, 2021.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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