Window to Success: програма кар’єрного розвитку для жінок


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Anna Zevako

Window to Success: програма кар’єрного розвитку для жінок

America House запрошує приєднатися до другого туру жіночого клубу “Window to Success/Вікно до успіху”.

“Window to Success” Women’s Career Club – це партнерська програма професійного розвитку. Undeterred: Шість звичок успіху жінок у країнах, що розвиваються. Це не книжковий клуб, хоча члени читатимуть, обговорюватимуть та застосовуватимуться рекомендації, викладені у книзі, щоб прискорити свій професійний успіх та підтримати кар’єрне зростання один одного. Мова програми – англійська.

What? “Window to Success” Women’s Career Club is peer mentoring professional development program developed by Rania Anderson, author of Undeterred: The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies. Rania Anderson is the leading authority on the career and business advancement of women in emerging economies. This is not a book club, though members will read, discuss and apply the guidance provided in the book to accelerate their professional success and support each other’s career growth. The language of the program is English. 

Your role: As a member of the Window to Success group, we ask that you try to attend as many of the monthly sessions as possible, read the chapter before our meeting, note down any questions or insights that you have for each meeting, but most importantly…come each month with a willingness to share and reflect. 

Who will lead? Our dedicated facilitators, Marie Snider and Daria Batalova, will lead meetings and encourage discussion among participants.  

Who will meet? Up to 15 working professional women in your community who want to develop their career, and regularly connect with and learn from other women. We are from a variety of sectors and levels of professional experience.  

When? There will be a total of 7 sessions starting on November 16th, 2019 and meeting monthly at America House in Kyiv until May 2020. The following dates will be announced during the first session, these are generally flexible according to participants’ schedules. Participants will read a chapter or two between sessions and apply their learning to their own career or business aspirations. 

How to join? If you’re interested in this opportunity please apply by November 11th here: 






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