Тендер: Citizen Perception and Experience Baseline Survey


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Тендер: Citizen Perception and Experience Baseline Survey

HOVERLA seeks a service provider to conduct a Citizen Perception and Experience Baseline Survey for the current 25 selected CTCs and the additional 40 CTCs which will be selected in March 2022.  The deadline for receipt of proposals is February 11, 2022 5PM Kyiv time.


DAI Global is implementing the USAID-funded Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. This project is designed to support Ukraine advance self-reliant local governance including legislative reforms, participatory strategic planning methodologies, service improvement, local economic development, civil society engagement, and capacity building of sub-national government entities. HOVERLA assists the Government of Ukraine to further develop a strong legal framework for local governance that provides an appropriate balance of authority and responsibility between local self-government institutions, and subnational and national executives. The Activity also supports sectoral and fiscal decentralization to ensure local government accountability, effective citizen engagement, and oversight through the following 3 objectives:

Objective 1: Ukraine’s system of local self-governance is increasingly institutionalized and effective
Objective 2: More self-reliant subnational governance
Objective 3: Citizens play an increasingly influential role in local governance processes

Purpose of this RFP:
HOVERLA intends to measure the progress of decentralization reform and HOVERLA’s interventions in partner consolidated territorial communities (CTCs), including sociological surveys assessing changes in citizens’ perceptions and experiences. 

The full text of this RFP and all annexes are available per link.   

The proposal should be submitted by email to [email protected] with RFP reference #, on or before February 11, 2022, 5:00 pm, Kyiv time. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

РАН запрошує до співпраці українські організації в Харкові та/або Харківській області

Конкурс на закупівлю обладнання: Ноутбук, Проекційний екран 2E на тринозі, Акустична система JBL, Світлодіодний світильник Feron AL5020 52W

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