Конкурс заявок на отримання грантів “Консультації з громадськістю” в рамках Проєкту USAID HOVERLA (оновлено)


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Конкурс заявок на отримання грантів “Консультації з громадськістю” в рамках Проєкту USAID HOVERLA (оновлено)

DAI Global LLC under USAID Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity, Contract No. 72012121C00001, is issuing a Request for Applications RFA-HOVERLA-001 for Public Consultation.

Applications may be submitted only by e-mail to [email protected] no later than 23:59 Kyiv time on November 8, 2021. Applications and Annexes thereof shall be submitted in pdf (preferred) or other electronic format in Ukrainian or English. The official name of the applicant, name of the project and number of RFA should be included in the subject line of the e-mail.

Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing no later than 5 days prior (November 3, 2021) to the closing date shown above to the HOVERLA grants department, email address [email protected] (subject: question on RFA-HOVERLA-001 Public Consultation).

Please see the full text of RFA-HOVERLA-001 (updated version) and annexes via this this link

The FAQ is available here.

DAI anticipates awarding the following type of grants under RFA-HOVERLA-001: Fixed Amount Award (FAA), In-Kind Award, or a blend of FAA and In-Kind based on an applicant’s financial and management capacity which will be determined during a pre-award screening.

Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of DAI, nor does it commit DAI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. Further, DAI reserves the right to reject any or all applications received. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.

HOVERLA works to develop the instruments of local democracy in communities to increase citizens participation and influence into the decision-making process.

We look forward to your submissions.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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