Вакансія: Fіnаnсіаl Sесtоr/Роlіtісаl Rіsk Іnsurаnсе Spесіаlіst


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The Financial Sector Reform Activity (FSR) in Ukraine is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by DAI Global LLC (DAI). The purpose of the activity is to transform the country’s financial sector into a sophisticated, well-functioning, competitive market that is aligned with European Union (EU) standards and integrated into international financial systems. This transformation will mobilize private finance for sustained economic growth in Ukraine.

The FSR is looking for candidates to fill in the Financial Sector / Political Risk Insurance Specialist position. 


The Financial Sector/Political Risk Insurance Specialist will perform, under the supervision of component 3 lead the FSR‘s activities in development of mechanisms for financing SMEs and in the area of  political (including war related) risk insurance. He/she will support and further develop programs of support to SMEs and financial intermediaries and engage with the GOU, the international financial institutions, and other interested stakeholders on what can be done to address the issue of political risk insurance.

The Financial Sector/Political Risk Insurance Specialist will work closely with key stakeholders, including but not limited to financial companies and commercial banks, NABU, UUL, international financial institutions, Business Development Fund and the State authorities.


  • Analyze the current status of the NBFIs that provide financing to SMEs (volume and number of contracts, number of players, key constraints to growth, financing needs, NPLs, collateral loss, etc.), asset based lending, and potential capital raising mechanisms, and prepare reports for FSR and the financial industry.
  • Develop and support an active program to expand list of financial products for SMEs including lending and trade finance for SMEs in Ukraine;
  • Support creation of a guarantee facilities/risk-sharing programs for NBFIs, lending and trade finance.
  • Contribute to the development of the NBU’s regulations on NBFIs market including financial leasing, factoring etc.
  • Lead the development of a coordinated approach to investment in Ukraine, political risk insurance and the creation of a relevant international mechanism.
  • Provide technical expertise and support to the political risk insurance program development in Ukraine, analyze and recommend best practices.
  • Engage and work closely with local insurers and international reinsurers to develop a concept, methodology, pricing, underwriting process, reinsurance mechanisms, brokerage services and other key elements of the political risk insurance program.
  • Engage with donors, IFIs, international insurance companies, and the GOU on the political risk insurance mechanism development in Ukraine.
  • Analyze investment needs and projects, support due diligence and other processes required for the political risk insurance coverage, cooperate with the investment promotion agencies and platforms.
  • Advise on the legislative and regulatory amendments needed for the development of the political risk insurance program, in cooperation with the FSR’s legal team.
  • Manage and oversee subcontractors (international and local consultants) providing support related to FSR Project Component 3.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor.


  • An advanced degree in one of the following areas: finance, economics, international economic relations, finance/corporate law, and audit.
  • Minimum 5-7 years of professional experience in commercial banks, NBFIs, Big4, investment firms or international insurance companies.
  • Successful track record in consulting experience or a leadership role in insurance, investment company, or finance with a history of building credibility and relationships with senior stakeholders.
  • Knowledge of Ukraine’s financial sector landscape, actors and issues, relevant government ministries, and familiarity with relevant policies and reforms are required.
  • Experience in developing and implementing financial products, marketing, strategy and project management in the financial industry.
  • Expertise in insurance concepts, mechanisms, and financial risk management.
  • Solid and persuasive interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Excellent oral and written English and Ukrainian skills.

Please submit Cover Letter and CV to [email protected] by November 14, 2023

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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