Вакансія: Еnvіrоnmеntаl аnd Sоcіаl Specіаlіst (Cоnsultаnt Pоsіtіоn)


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The Financial Sector Reform Activity (FSR) in Ukraine is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by DAI Global LLC (DAI). The purpose of the activity is to transform the country’s financial sector into a sophisticated, well-functioning, competitive market that is aligned with European Union (EU) standards and integrated into international financial systems. This transformation will mobilize private finance for sustained economic growth in Ukraine.

The FSR is looking for candidates to fill in the ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL SPECIALIST CONSULTANT position.


The FSR is seeking a highly skilled professional with experience in assessing, managing or supervising environmental and social aspects of development projects. Experience with impact assessments, and good understanding of the environmental standards and procedures is required. The expert should have an ability to operate as an effective tactical and strategic thinker and demonstrate strong time management and organizational skills with attention to detail and achieving successful outcomes.


The Consultant will perform the following tasks, connected with management of the PCGF:

  • Prepare and recommend the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) of PCGF and develop ESMS reporting;
  • Train staff of PCGF and PFIs on the ESMS to explain respective roles, responsibilities, flow of information and integration into the mainstream business lines of the institution with special focus on the environmental and social aspects;
  • Develop and recommend the kind of ESMS PFIs should adopt and implement. Recommend procedures for Environmental and Social due diligence assessments for activities of MSME Beneficiaries financed under the PCGF-backed portfolio in line with the Exclusion List, national laws, the Project ESCP and PCGF ESMS;
  • Conduct awareness-raising activities for project stakeholders including but not limited to, implementing agencies, PFIs, beneficiaries and beneficiary associations, other stakeholders (different departments of the Government of Ukraine), etc.;
  • Establish what kind of general and industry specific environmental health and safety guidelines PFIs should apply to loan portfolios backed by the PCGF, and provide guidance on war-related hazards such as land contamination and explosive remnants of war (ERW);
  • Provide support to PFIs in undertaking environmental and social screening of loan applications and identify external communications on loan products backed by the PCGF customized to the needs of business investments led by women, minorities and others requiring specialized support;
  • Provide recommended formats to quarterly project reports on the environmental and social performance of project activities;
  • Develop and provide training to the PFIs on environmental and social commitments and requirements.


  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in environmental management, law or any other relevant social science;
  • Minimum 3-5 years’ work experience in the assessing, managing or supervising environmental and social aspects of development projects and impact assessments, ideally in a position that also included exposure to the financial services industry;
  • General understanding of the banking sector and loans operations (desirable);
  • Work experience as an environmental or social specialist in/with the IFI’s projects and knowledge of the World Bank or another multilateral development bank’ safeguard policies and requirements will be an advantage;
  • Familiarity with EU Directives focused on environmental, social, health and safety requirements and/ or knowledge of the World Bank’s environmental, social, health and safety requirements (past experience of working under the World Bank financed operations would be an asset;
  • Good command of the environmental and labor regulations in Ukraine and the modality of their enforcement;
  • Experience in reviewing projects for compliance (desirable);
  • Excellent written, oral, interpersonal, and presentation skills;
  • Ability to operate as an effective tactical and strategic thinker;
  • Strong time management and organizational skills with attention to detail;
  • Computer literate, with working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English (verbal and written).

 Please submit Cover Letter and CV to [email protected] by July 22, 2023

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Ментор/ка підліткових курсів з 3D-моделювання та робототехніки (Кропивницький)

Регіональний/а координатор/ка у Сумській, Запорізькій та Миколаївській областях

Адміністративний/а асистент/ка


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