USAID ERA looking for Fundraising Сonsultant (short-term)


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USAID ERA looking for Fundraising Сonsultant (short-term)

USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), implemented by DAI GLOBAL LLC, participates in developing a resilient, inclusive, and growth-oriented economy in the severely damaged area. ERA empowers Ukrainians to establish and develop micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in promising economic sectors, innovate, and enter new markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU), and other countries. ERA also works with regional stakeholders to define a viable vision for the future of the Ukrainian economy.

To strengthen our team and improve the economic resilience of Ukraine, we are looking for highly qualified consultant to take the role Fundraising Consultant. Considering the insufficiency of funds for the full restoration of higher educational institutions, universities’ managers are trying to attract these funds independently using international technical assistance projects, and funds from private donors and organizations. Fundraising is not familiar to teachers and the university managerial team, so they cannot yet independently design and implement effective fundraising activities. 

About the job

The main objective would be to assist ERA partner universities in gaining knowledge and skills to organize and conduct fundraising campaigns and supportive activities. Fundraising Consultant will enhance USAID ERA partner universities’ capabilities to fundraise from different sources in order to improve their capacity to provide high-quality educational services.

The Fundraising Consultant will teach ERA partner universities modern approaches and methods used to fundraise from a different source to support their development in education and science. By the end of the consultancy assignment, ERA partner universities will have fundraising platforms to raise money to support efficient educational services provision.

Your main duties and responsibilities will be: 

  • Communicate with Ukrainian experts in the process of developing an educational program and organizing educational events to build university capacity to fundraise;
  • Using the prepared and agreed-upon materials, conduct educational events;
  • Provide a detailed report on the info and training sessions conducted;
  • Collect data and resources on available sources for funding universities’ educational, scientific and R&D activities;
  • Identify partners for collaboration to support fundraising activities;
  • Develop a Fundraising Strategy for the universities of Ukraine that could be used by partner universities to facilitate fundraising activities and encourage donors to donate.

About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to have proven experience and capability in developing educational programs and events, fundraising strategies, availability of a pool of experts  who can helps with educational events organization.

Moreover, we also expect the following:


  • MA/BA in a related field, from a recognized national or international university;
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills;
  • Proven skills and cases of educational programs drafting;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in both Ukrainian and English;
  • Deep understanding of fundraising tools, donors of Ukraine;
  • Good interpersonal skills, and an ability to succeed in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Strong analytical skills, ability to write reports in English.


Contract length: February 2023 – May 2023

Level of Effort: 52 days

Duty station: Kyiv

Type of Contract: Independent Consultancy Agreement

Start date: February 2023 

Application process

All applicants must send a cover letter and updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English to [email protected] 

Closing date for applications: January 24, 2023, COB 

For further information about the DAI GLOBAL LLC, please consult our website

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