Спеціаліст/ка з якісних досліджень в Ground Truth Solutions


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Спеціаліст/ка з якісних досліджень в Ground Truth Solutions

Project: Understanding the perceptions of aid recipients to support an improved humanitarian response in Ukraine and surrounds

Duration: 2-3 months (up to 60 working days)

Location: Ukraine

Reports to: Senior Programme Manager

Ground Truth Solutions seeks the services of a research firm or independent consultant(s) to conduct a qualitative study exploring community perceptions of humanitarian aid in Ukraine. This study is part of a project by implemented by GTS and funded by the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC).

About Ground Truth Solutions (GTS)

Our mission is to ensure that people affected by crises have a say in humanitarian action, from individual aid projects to global humanitarian reform. To achieve this, we collect feedback from people at the receiving end of aid. We challenge and support aid agencies to use this feedback to optimise their work. We help agencies to understand and communicate the resulting insight back to affected communities. We work with policymakers, governments, and aid agencies to bring about the change we want to see.

About the project

GTS will support the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) and its implementing partners to exemplify their Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments and listen to Ukrainian and host community voices and improve programming in real time, by enabling a better understanding of the perceptions, priorities and feedback of aid recipients and their communities.


  • Catalyse better quality and more adaptive programming, with response-wide strategies being shaped by collective community feedback
  • Ensure community perceptions and priorities form a significant and tangible element in DEC’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts in Ukraine and surrounding countries
  • Provide evidence of DEC partners collectively responding to feedback and adapting accordingly
  • Provide a model for a management response combining both the supply (progress toward CHS commitments) and demand (people’s feedback) elements of accountability
  • Enable DEC partners to become accountability champions across the response, catalysing broader cultural change, and providing lessons learned for future DEC-funded deployments

The consultancy

GTS seeks the services of a research firm or independent consultant(s) to conduct a qualitative study exploring community perceptions of humanitarian aid in Ukraine. This qualitative study will be complemented by (multiple rounds of) perception surveys, that will be developed using the findings of this qualitative piece. The combined findings from the survey and qualitive study will be used to generate recommendations directed at the DEC members and implementing partners and other humanitarian actors on how to strengthen programming in line with community feedback.


Research questions – Is the humanitarian response accountable to people’s needs, priorities, and expectations? How can aid be more responsive to the unfolding needs of the affected population in and around Ukraine?

Target group – People living in Ukraine, with a special focus on marginalised populations. A second group of interest is local aid providers.

Geographic scope – Ukraine (the precise geographic scope will be refined in collaboration with GTS)

Scope of work

  • Attend orientation meeting with GTS
  • Conduct desk review
  • Develop communication plan with GTS team, including regular check-ins
  • Write inception report, including a summary of the desk review and proposed methodology
  • Co-design interview guides with GTS
  • Identify eligible respondents in collaboration with GTS
  • Conduct and record in-depth interviews/focus group discussions, translate verbatim transcripts
  • Draft report on community perceptions of humanitarian aid in Ukraine and submit for review by GTS
  • Revise report responding to, and integrating feedback
  • Present research findings, in collaboration with GTS, to relevant stakeholders, including participating communities


  • Inception report outlining communication plan, methodology and research tools
  • Transcripts and audio recordings of qualitative interviews
  • Draft report on community perceptions of humanitarian aid
  • Final report on community perceptions of humanitarian aid
  • Slide deck and delivery of presentation on key findings


It is anticipated that all tasks will be completed by 30 November 2022, with the potential for an extension. A detailed work plan will be agreed upon at the beginning of the consultancy.

Relevant experience & skills

  • A degree in Social Sciences, International Development, Humanitarian Action, or any other related area of study/equivalent experience.
  • A strong and proven background (e.g., through prior publications or references) in international development or humanitarian action.
  • Familiarity with the context of Ukraine, preferably with experience working with Civil Society Organisations and humanitarian actors and organisations
  • Proven research skills, including in both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, Ukrainian and Russian. Excellent written English.


Interested candidates are required to apply before 17 August 2022 at the following address [email protected] indicating ‘GTS Qualitative Researcher – Ukraine’ The application must include:

  1. A brief cover letter and CV.
  2. A brief narrative proposal outlining a proposed methodology; the deliverables and tasks; and expected number of days each task will take.
  3. A financial proposal, including the consultant’s fee per day and any other anticipated costs.
  4. 1-2 examples of relevant previous work (I.e.: prior publications or at least two references)

Questions concerning this consultancy can be directed to the above email. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Seeking to recruit a suitable candidate as soon as possible.

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