Sectoral Experts до проєкту Association4U


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Sectoral Experts до проєкту Association4U

The EU funded project “Support for the Implementation of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement” Phase II (A4U II) supports raising the capacity of the Ukrainian public authorities in designing and implementing key reforms stemming from the Association Agreement/ DCFTA. The main beneficiaries of the Project are the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Office of Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Verkhovna Rada Committee for Ukraine’s Integration into the EU, line ministries.

One of the Association4U project components is legal approximation which includes activities such as policy analysis and policy development and law-making, preparation of legal gap analysis, drafting approximation laws, carrying out EU law compliance checks, etc. The Project will also deliver hands-on training to beneficiary institutions.

The above activities will be performed by a team of EU and Ukrainian experts in a particular sector. Precise scope of activities will be defined/selected based on the actual needs of the beneficiaries of the Project. The Association4U project is seeking candidates for Ukrainian experts, who could perform the above-mentioned tasks in the following sectors: 

  • Digital market
  • Energy
  • Transportation

The applicants should fulfil the minimum requirements such as:

  • Profound knowledge in the sector and at least 7 years of work experience in this sector;
  • 5 years of working experience in legislative and/ or policy making in Ukraine (legal drafting, legal enforcement, regulatory analysis, compliance checks, policy development, policy implementation, policy evaluation, etc;
  • Have higher education in law (possibly MA) or the area relevant for the sector,
  • Excellent command of English and Ukrainian, written and oral;
  • Law drafting experience will be an asset;
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills.

If you are interested in working for Association4U project, please send a CV to our email: [email protected].

The deadline for applications is COB Friday, December 27, 2019.

Disclaimer: This announcement does not constitute a call for proposal for employment or order of services.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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