Радник з юридичних питань


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Радник з юридичних питань

Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) Department of Pre-school, General Secondary and Vocational Education is responsible for developing the legal framework, policies and guidelines for schools. The assistance envisions legal support over conducting an audit of school management system workflow and completing the legal framework for new procedures, expert support in providing audit and updating regulation on school environments and any other advisory support required for simplification and normalization of procedures in secondary education area.

The Legal Advisor will be responsible for developing a comprehensive legal audit of all document that regulate workflow in school system and suggesting list of document that have to be cancelled or updated.

Terms of Reference: http://edge.in.ua/114-legal-advisor.html 

The closing date for applications is September 22, 2017.

Please send your applications to: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Психолог/иня у Центр підтримки жінок Ржищівської громади

Вакансія: Project Coordinator on Urban Infrastructure and Resilience

Менеджер/ка проєкту

Координатор/ка фінансового відділу

Спеціаліст/ка зприватного партнерства AGRI / AGRI Private Partnerships Specialist

Спеціаліст/ка з експортного партнерства AGRI / AGRI Export Partnership Specialist