Послуги усного перекладу


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Послуги усного перекладу

East Europe Foundation within USAID RADA Program is looking for translation agency or private interpreters who will provide with Interpretation services for the next 10 months. USAID RADA Program aims to promote a representative, accountable and independent Parliament – the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

USAID Rada Program requires the following services, on an as-needed basis for a 10-month period, starting from September 2020:

  1. Consecutive interpretation (Ukrainian ↔ English);
  2. Simultaneous interpretation (Ukrainian ↔ English);
  3. Equipment rental for simultaneous interpretation;

The Service Delivery Quotation should be in English and must contain the following:

  • Evidence of experience with international organizations and/or international technical assistance projects. Please provide at least three references with full contact details of the previous clients (name, title, e-mail and phone number).
  • An explanation of processes to ensure high quality of services (guarantee on the product, etc. as applicable.).
  • Price offer, availability, response time and capacity to provide services to USAID RADA Program.
  • For consecutive interpretation services: CVs of all proposed interpreters.
  • For simultaneous interpretation: evidence of experience in the field of democracy, parliamentary affairs, good governance, the rule of law, elections (please, provide links to the audio/video if applicable);

 Prospective contractors must submit the following information in the Response:

  1. A contact name, email address, and telephone number to facilitate communication between USAID Rada Program and the prospective contractor.
  2. General information about the contractor’s history and experience.
  3. A brief outline of the company (including Full legal name and address of the company or individual);
  4. Year business was started or established; and
  5. USAID Rada Program requests quotations for the above listed services on a Unit Price basis (Please complete the Table 1).
  6. All the cost must be in UAH.
  7. All Responses shall be in the English language.

All quotations should be sent to [email protected] with “Interpretation Services” in the subject line no later than September 8, 2020.

Annex 1 (Table 1 – Price offer and Table – 2 Availability and Capacity for Interpretation) can be downloaded here.


Просимо звернути увагу, що Фонд Східна Європа є суб’єктом, що звільняється від сплати податку на додану вартість, на підставі статті 1(а) Угоди між Урядом України та Урядом США про гуманітарне та техніко-економічне співробітництво від 07.05.1992 та положень підпункту 197.11 статті 197 Податкового кодексу України. Тобто, Фонд Східна Європа проводитиме оплату за товари без врахування ПДВ.


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