Пакт шукає консультанта/ку з вдосконалення навчальних програм з громадського здоров’я


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Пакт шукає консультанта/ку з вдосконалення навчальних програм з громадського здоров’я

В рамках проєкту «Розбудова стійкої системи громадського здоров’я» Пакт Інк. шукає Консультанта/ку для підтримки українських університетів у вдосконаленні навчальних програм з громадського здоров’я (далі – англійською).

Pact is seeking a consultant to support Ukrainian Universities in enhancing public health curricular. It is expected that 3 Ukrainian Universities will work with 2 Philadelphia Universities within the upcoming 12 months.

The Consultants will be responsible for the following Scope of Work:

  • Review existing MPH and BPH academic programs with identified university partners and crosswalk against European and US curriculum requirements; make recommendations for curricular revisions
  • In coordination with Ukrainian Academic partners and UPHC co-develop up to 3 targeted modules to fill in the gaps identified in Ukrainian PH curricula
  • Contribute to periodic review/mapping and maintain up-to-date information on institutions providing trainings for public health professionals, maintain working relationships with educational institutions of all levels in Ukraine.
  • Support ongoing exchange to review and update curricula and student opportunities (e.g., global classroom) for identified Ukrainian University partners with PHS R&R Consortium Partners Temple and Drexel Universities.
  • Support the development of materials and processes for specific areas/topics identified as needed, including trainings, mentoring, and coaching, partners peer learning and other methodologies.
  • Prepare and conduct strategic meetings in communities
  • Support communities in developing public health community strategies

Expected deliverables:

  1. Report on results of curricula review
  2. File with inputs for developed targeted modules
  3. Report on conducted community strategic sessions
  4. File with inputs for public health community strategies


The expected Level of Effort for Consultant is up to 180 days.

The period of performance – October 2024 – September  2025.


  • Master’s degree or higher from an accredited university in human resources, human resource management, business administration, healthcare, public health, social work, public policy, health and human services, or a related field is required.
  • Understanding of curriculum development and accreditation process and familiarity with public health curricula and competencies.
  • Ability to manage a complex workload and deadlines.
  • Proactive, fast-thinker, and able to work with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to organize routine data and maintain the established procedures.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Advanced level keyboard skills and computer literacy on a variety of software applications (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.).
  • Strong critical thinking and attentiveness to details.
  • Excellent teamwork skills.
  • Ability to travel within Ukraine, when health and safety situation allows.

Selection Criteria

  1. Education and Qualifications (20%)
  2. Relevant  Experience (30%)
  3. Understanding of curriculum development and accreditation process  (30%)
  4. Price (20%):

To Apply:

Please send the following documents to [email protected] with “PHSS WF Consultant” in the subject line by 18:00 September 30, 2024:

  1. CV
  2. Cover letter confirming the interest and availability for the indicated period of work
  3. Completed Biodata Form Form_1420_F_21.11.10 (1)
  4. Financial Proposal (in USD) specifying the rate per day


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